This from Eric Haak:
They got this one out very quickly and with the temps being what they were, I didn’t hang around to get too many additional shots.Shortly before 1400hrs on Saturday afternoon, Chicago’s 17th Battalion Chief was dispatched to the report of a fire on the 5700 block of South Indiana. While en route, the Englewood Fire Alarm Office received reports that there were occupants trapped on the second floor and the fire response was elevated to a Still and Box. The first due engine’s house was only 5 blocks away from the incident and Engine 84 was on scene in less than 2 minutes reporting a fire on the second floor of a 3-story, 30×70 ordinary, occupied apartment building. If you weren’t within a couple miles of this one, there wasn’t much to see as the fire was contained to one unit of the six-unit building.I arrived as Truck 51 was just raising their main to the roof and within a few minutes, the fire was out. All searches proved to be negative. Seven adults and six children were displaced by the fire but a family cat miraculously survived. As I was leaving, the soot and water drenched pet was returned to it’s grateful owner. It initially looked DOA but then it started moving and seemed to be fine. Still companies were Engine 84, Engine 47, Truck 51, Truck 30. I believe the box engines were 50 and 16. I have included a shot of Engine 50 seeing that it is the oldest active engine in the fleet.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo