This from Eric Haak:
I spent Sunday (3/15/15) in Gary, Indiana and even though I didn’t catch the big one, the day was at least interesting as it usually is in Gary. Companies were dispatched to a dwelling fire in the 2400 block of Colfax around 12:45. I was on the other side of town and missed the address so by the time I arrived it was mostly out. Turned out to be the same vacant dwelling that was burned a few weeks ago.Truck 2 broke down while en route and had to be replaced with Truck 1 from the other side of town. With decent light I took a few shots of the responding rigs. Squad 2 is now responding in the Chevy 3500 that is pictured. They responded with three in the rig.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo
At about 2:00, a brush fire came in out in Miller (the far east side of town). The fire was on a hill that was directly behind an apartment complex. Engine 7 had to back into a position at the base of the hill to feed a line over a retention wall in order to gain access. Nothing spectacular but better than nothing.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo