Chicago firefighters responded to a residential fire in the 6600 block of Onarga on the city’s Northwest Side before 7PM this evening. Temperatures were in the single digits which complicated efforts for Engine 119 who came across two frozen hydrants, but Engine 79 found a good hydrant. Firefighters found a victim in the house and rushed her to an ambulance.

Light smoke vents from a home in the 6600 block of Onarga Tuesday evening. Single digit temperatures hampered firefighters. Steve Redick photo
The Chicago Tribune reports:
A 79-year-old Chicago woman was in serious-to-critical condition Friday night after firefighters rescued her from a burning building on the Far Northwest Side.
The woman was pulled from the building around 7 p.m. and taken to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital with smoke inhalation injuries, he said.
A brief article can be found HERE.

Firefighters work to ventilate the roof to improve conditions for interior companies. Steve Redick photo

Fire vents out of the house in 'Sector 2' as firefighters on the roof perform ventilation. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick took in the fire and submitted several images of the scene.

Engine 79 was fortunate to find a working hydrant at the scene. Engine 119 encountered two frozen hydrants. Steve Redick photo

As smoke pours out of the house, firefighters ascend the main from Truck 55 to gain access to the roof. Steve Redick photo

The crew of Truck 55 grabs a ground ladder off their spare rig to provide firefighters on the roof with a secondary means of egress. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick will post a gallery of images from this fire HERE.