Posts Tagged fatal fire in Naperville

Fatal fire in Naperville, 2-18-25

Excerpts from the Naperville Fire Department:

NAPERVILLE, Ill. — At approximately 3:15 p.m., the Naperville Emergency Communications Center (ECC) received multiple calls reporting a structure fire in a single-family residence in the 3500 block of Redwing Court. A general alarm assignment consisting of 10 pieces of fire apparatus and 24 personnel, including an Incident Commander and Incident Safety Officer, was dispatched to the scene.

Police officers arrived on the scene at 3:17 p.m. and confirmed a fully-involved structure fire with an individual trapped on the second floor. The first fire suppression vehicle arrived at 3:21 p.m. and reported heavy fire on the first and second floors of the home. Crews immediately began a coordinated transitional attack to darken down the fire assisting firefighters attempting a rescue of the trapped occupant. Additional firefighters deployed multiple hose lines to knock down the flames from the interior of the structure. Firefighter faced significant challenges accessing the second floor due to substantial fire damage, which caused a collapse of the interior stairwell and created multiple holes in the second floor. Heavy fire was venting from nearly all second-floor windows, slowing down any exterior rescue attempts via outside ground ladders.

Due to the extremely cold weather and the advanced fire, a Box Alarm was requested bringing an additional six fire companies to the scene. At 4:33 p.m., the alarm was struck out, indicating the fire was under control. Fire companies remained on the scene to perform overhaul operations.

In addition to the one civilian casualty, an occupant was transported to a local hospital for treatment.

The Naperville Fire Department received support from the Naperville Police, Naperville Electric, Naperville Transportation Engineering and Development Team, Naperville Public Works, Naperville EMA, and NICOR. Fire departments from Aurora, Bolingbrook, Lisle-Woodridge, Fermi Lab, Oswego, and Plainfield assisted at the scene. Station coverage was provided by the Bolingbrook, Lockport, Plainfield, Romeoville, and Warrenville Fire Departments.

The structure was deemed uninhabitable which resulted in the displacement of five individuals. The estimated damage is projected to exceed $800,000.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation. The Naperville Fire Department investigation team along with Naperville Police and the Office of the State Fire Marshal are coordinating the investigation.

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Fatal fire in Naperville 2-22-20

Excerpts from

About 8:50 a.m.Saturday, someone called the Naperville Fire Department about an alarm sounding from a first-floor apartment in the first block of Olympus Drive. When fire crews arrived about five minutes later, they saw smoke pouring from the apartment and immediately entered. One person was found dead inside the apartment. The fire, which was burning in the bedroom, was put out within five minutes. No one else was inside the apartment. Investigators believe the fire was accidental, and police do not suspect any foul play.


Fatal fire in Naperville, 3-20-14

The Naperville Sun has an article about a fatal fire in Naperville on Thursday night:

Cariene Jones, 39, was killed when a fire broke out late Thursday night in the three-story building at 108 Douglas Ave.
Tenants of other apartments who found themselves displaced by the blaze spent much of Friday moving their belongings to cars and vans, while members of a restoration and cleaning crew went about their business inside the building. T
Chief Deputy DuPage County Coroner Charlie Dastych formally confirmed Jones had died in the fire. “The investigation is still pending” into the cause of Jones’ death, Dastych said earlyFriday afternoon. “Preliminarily, there are no indications of suspicious circumstances” in the case, he said.
Naperville Fire Department investigators are continuing to seek the source and cause of the blaze, which broke out about 11:33 p.m. Thursday.  Bureau Chief Kevin Lyne said firefighters arrived on the scene within four minutes of receiving the initial 911 call. Other residents reported the presence of fire and smoke in the building, Lyne said early Friday in a release.
While searching the building, firefighters found an “unconscious and unresponsive victim” in one of the second-floor apartments, Lyne said. Paramedics took that person, now identified as Jones, to Edward Hospital in Naperville, where Lyne said efforts to revive her proved unsuccessful. Firefighters had the blaze under control within 10 minutes of their arrival, Lyne said. The building’s second and third floors and attic suffered fire, smoke and water damage that Lyne estimated at $100,000.

thanks Andy

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Fatal fire in Naperville, 12-18-13 (more)

The Daily Herald has a followup human interest article on Naperville’s fatal house fire from 12-18-13.

Allen Belaguas had been saving for nursing school, working as an in-home caregiver for several months, but only in the home of Jan and Tom Lambert of Naperville for about a week when it happened.

The blaze erupted about 6:50 a.m. Dec. 18 in the Lambert’s two-story house on Field Court. The couple never made it out of the house. Authorities said they may have been victims of a floor collapse that sent the home’s second story tumbling into the basement. Tom, a 57-year-old brain cancer patient, and Jan, a 56-year-old who was blind, both died in the fire.

By all accounts, Belaguas, the 21-year-old Orland Park man hired to care for them, did what he could to try to bring the Lamberts out alive.

When firefighters got to the scene three minutes after being called, they said two people were escaping the home — Tom’s father, John Lambert, and sister, Patricia Carhoff. Firefighters found and rescued one other occupant whom they described as critically injured — Belaguas — before the threat of a floor collapse sent them retreating from the structure. Belaguas originally was taken to Edward Hospital in Naperville along with John Lambert and Carhoff. While the two relatives arrived at the hospital in good condition and soon were released, Belaguas was transferred to Loyola for treatment of severe smoke inhalation, authorities said.

There, Belaguas has been unconscious, unable to respond to questions or his name, his mother said Thursday. Burns cover only six inches of his body, but his lungs were damaged from the smoke of the blaze, which firefighters said burned hotter because of oxygen tanks in the home and a ruptured gas line. The fire’s cause has not yet been determined.

Pierson said her son’s condition has not improved in the eight days since the fire, though she keeps praying it will. On Thursday, doctors decided to operate, creating a hole in the front of his neck that often helps patients breathe when they are on ventilators or the normal pathways are obstructed. She said doctors also were doing a skin graft to help Belaguas’ burns heal.

The 21-year-old of Filipino descent had been living with his mother for about the past year and a half, working first at a nursing home and then for BrightStar Care in Naperville. Belaguas had been hired primarily to care for Jan Lambert, but also helped the woman’s husband. “He had been there only a week. He just started,” Belaguas’ mother said.

thanks Dan

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