On Thursday, a Metra train passenger spotted a body among some branches and muck in the DesPlaines River near Belmont and River Road. The River Grove Fire Department investigated and confirmed the need for a recovery operation. MABAS Division 20 requested divers from MABAS Division 3 for the swift water rescue due to the current from the flooded river. The Chicago Tribune has an article HERE .
Tim Olk was at the scene and submitted a series of images that documents the recovery effort. Additional images can be viewed HERE.

MABAS Division 3 divers from Northbrook make their way into the Des Plaines River near River Grove to retrieve a woman's body. Tim Olk photo

One diver makes his way through the swift current as his partner keeps a hand on his safety line. Tim Olk photo

Both divers reach the debris and prepare to free the body. Tim Olk photo

The swift current is apparent here as a diver makes his way back to the shore. Tim Olk photo

Divers carry their supplies from the river to the decon area after the recovery was completed. Tim Olk photo

The Highland Park Dive Squad and boat were brought to the scene as part of the MABAS Division 3 dive box. Tim Olk photo