Posts Tagged Chicago FD Engine 94

New engines for Chicago (more)

As seen at the Quinn Fire Academy

new E-ONE fire engines in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire photos

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Chicago Still & Box, 3/6/16

This from Steve Redick:

Took in a job at 5336 W. Leland Avenue in a normally quiet and very congested neighborhood Monday (3/7/16). Radio reports indicated a basement fire extending to all floors in a frame dwelling. Engine 94 was very creative in finding a good spot for access in the rear. From the alley they stretched 4-inch supply line onto the next block. This operation, at least from my perspective, was very effective. Got some nice shots of roof operations as fire was venting through the the back portion of the building. This was contained with handlines in short order.


firemen on peak roof with fire at night

Steve Redick photo

firemen on peak roof with fire at night

Steve Redick photo

firemen on peak roof with fire at night

Steve Redick photo

fire engine in alley with hose off

Steve Redick photo

hose lines deployed through alley garage

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 94

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire trucks at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Truck 38

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 47

Steve Redick photo

tower ladder at house fire

Steve Redick photo

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Chicago 2-11 and then 3-11 Alarm fires, 10-20-15 (part 6)

This from Scott Peterson:

Just apparatus pictures of the various co’s at the 3-11 on Oct 20, 2015 @ Harry’s Lumber Sales. Part 1 of 3, engine companies.
Scott Peterson
Chicago FD Engine 11

Chicago FD Engine 11. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 11

Chicago FD Engine 11. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 69

Chicago FD Engine 69. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 71

Chicago FD Engine 7
1. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 79

Chicago FD Engine 79. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 86

Chicago FD Engine 86. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 89

Chicago FD Engine 89. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 94

Chicago FD Engine 94. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 94

Chicago FD Engine 94. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 108

Chicago FD Engine 108. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Engine 119

Chicago FD Engine 119. Scott Peterson photo

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