Chicago had a commercial fire Sunday morning at 5614 W. Grand Avenue.
Steve Redick and Dan McInerney both took in the fire and submitted images.

Heavy fire burns through the auto body shop on Grand Avenue. Steve Redick photo

Firefighters use street level deluge guns in a defensive mode to fight the fire Sunday morning. Steve Redick photo
Steve provided the following information:
This morning about 0600 a 2-11 alarm at 5614 Grand ave. A 1 sty commercial attached to a truss roof auto repair garage. I arrived a few minutes after the 2-11 was pulled…and some of the box alarm companies were still going to work. Squad 2 had no snorkel and both tower ladders (14 and 23) were in spares too. The fire was through the roof just before the first images and 2 separate collapses occurred while I was there…I didn’t get them on video or stills but notice just the roof came other outward collapses of the parapets or bearing walls seem to have occurred. I wonder if there were fire cuts on the truss ends. Also got some shots of 43 stretching up a ground ladder to the roof of exposure 2 for a point of vantage operation. All in all an interesting fire…shift change was taking place at the same time so that’s why you see members in various states of dress. I am enclosing a link to a short video with radio traffic I shot as well…

Two tower ladders worked in addition to multiple hand lines and multi-versals. Steve Redick photo

Engine 68 was the first due engine and had a deck gun and several hand lines flowing. Steve Redick photo

This image from later in the incident shows the tremendous amount of water that was used to hit the fire. Dan McInerney photo
Dan had the following comments:
This was a one story truss roof auto body shop. It looked 75×100, fire throughout. Exposure in sector 2 was a one story 25×100 with fire throughout as well.These are of E117 and T35. E117 had 2 lines off I believe to the roof of the building driectly to the west of the exposure building operating from a point of vantage. T35 had their main to that roof as well.

Shot from the rear shows heavy fire burning through the roof. Steve Redick photo

Firefighters from Engine 117 hoist a hose up a ground ladder to use the roof of a building in Sector 2 to hit the fire. Steve Redick photo

The 2-story house to the west had two 2-1/2s operating on the roof plus a 2-1/2 and a 1-3/4 out the second floor windows. Dan McInerney photo
Video links, photo galleries and more images will be posted in a follow-up article.