From Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram:
Bedford station 1 visit
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Quint 704Engine 707Engine 711Squad 702Snorkel 705 ( not sold yet)Ambo 702 (not there)A chiefs car
Jul 15
Posted by Admin in FIre Stations, Fire Truck photos | 4 Comments
From Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram:
Bedford station 1 visit
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Quint 704Engine 707Engine 711Squad 702Snorkel 705 ( not sold yet)Ambo 702 (not there)A chiefs car
Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram
Tags: Bedford Park FD Engine 707, Bedford Park FD Quint 704, Bedford park FD Snorkel 705, Bedford Park FD Squad 702, Bedford park FD Station 1, Bedford Park Fire Department, Bedford Park fire trucks, Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram
Oct 7
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Josh Boyajian:
This afternoon (Thursday, 10-6-16), Bedford Park FD arrived @ 6650 s Oak Park Ave to find smoke showing from a 2-sty commercial building. First engines lead out lines, while Tower 709 and Truck 31 threw their mains to the roof. Companies encountered heavy smoke inside the building which housed a recycling center. Multiple handlines were used to extinguish the fire. Mabas 10 MVU was utilized at the end of the incident to clear the smoke out of the building.Joshua Boyajian
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Bedford Park FD Engine 710, Bedford Park FD Engine 711, Bedford Park Fire Department, Bedford Park fire trucks, fire scene photos, Josh Boyajian, MABAS 10 MVU, Mobile Ventilation Unit works at warehouse fire, Pierce aerial ladders at fire scene, Roberts Park FD Ladder on scene, video of mobile ventilation unit being deployed at fire scene, warehouse fire in Bedford Park
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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