thanks Dennis
Sep 25
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | 6 Comments
thanks Dennis
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Brookfield Fire Department, New tower ladder for Brookfield
Excerpts from the
The Normal Fire Department has been awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant to help fund an annual firefighter physical fitness and wellness program. The money, totaling around $76,000, will be used to fund annual health evaluations and occupational health screenings such as lung testing, auditory testing, advanced echo cardiograms, chest x-rays and cancer screenings.
The results of these screenings remain confidential, but they will allow the department to tailor fitness and wellness initiatives for its members. In addition, the department physical fitness program will introduce a peer-supported fitness model where firefighters will work with their crews to meet fitness goals and also will include group physical training by local physical trainers and health agencies.
Fire Chief Mick Humer said “Over the span of three years, we experienced the loss of three of our active members, and two of those deaths were attributed directly to undiagnosed cardiac problems. In 2016, we had a seemingly healthy member have a near-death experience from a cardiac emergency and has since retired as a result.”
Matt Hill, president of the union, said, “It’s very important for our firefighters to recognize how important their health is to themselves and the citizens that depend on us. I’m very pleased that the town of Normal, fire administration, and Local 2442 are working together to make wellness and fitness a top priority.”
Of the grant total, NFD will contribute 10 percent of the program, or around $6,900, with the grant covering the remaining amount of around $69,000.
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, firefighter wellness exams, Normal Fire Department
Excerpts from the
Lombard firefighters recently trained on new self-contained breathing apparatus purchased with a $349,069 Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. It was the largest federal grant ever received by the Lombard Fire Department. The grant was made possible by a 10 percent grant match from the village.
The new SCBA will replace the department’s outdated and heavily used 13-year-old SCBAs that are no longer compliant with most current standards.
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Lombard Fire Department receives grant, U.S. Department of Homeland Security's FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Dec 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 2 Comments
Excerpts from the
A combination rescue pumper that will take the place of two vehicles in the Mattoon Fire Department’s fleet is scheduled to be put into service on Monday.
The E-ONE rescue pumper has a 780-gallon water tank on a Typhoon chassis. The front bumper has a hydraulic cutter and spreader connected to an on-board hydraulic pump … and there is a remote control light tower.
The city purchased the $564,626 rescue pumper with the help of a $285,715 Assistance to Firefighters grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Fire Chief Tony Nichols said he submitted the grant application on March 3, 2016, and received word on May 20, 2016, that money was awarded to purchase the new truck.
The fire department had been saving money get a new truck, but the grant was needed to make this purchase possible. The chief had applied for grant funding three to four times in past years without success.
Now that the new rescue pumper is entering service, the department plans to sell its 1978 rescue truck and a 1987 engine online. The department’s 1993 rescue and 1998 engine will be kept in reserve.
From the Banner Fire Equipment Facebook page:
From Craig Hamrick’s post: Delivery day for Mattoon Rescue Engine 21!
This is the day that seems an eternity in coming, but makes all of the meetings and pre-build worth it. This is not only a beautiful rig, but is super functional as well. Thank you Mattoon Fire for trusting E-ONE and Banner Fire Equipment to build this awesome rig for you.
photo from the Banner Fire Equipment Facebook page
photo from the Banner Fire Equipment Facebook page
photo from the Banner Fire Equipment Facebook page
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Banner Fire Equipment, Craig Hamrick, Fire Chief Tony Nichols, grant helps pay for new fire truck, Mattoon FD Rescue Engine 21, Mattoon Fire Department, new rescue pumper for mattoon FD
Excerpts from the
The Sycamore Fire Department will use a $135,228 federal grant to buy a mobile fire training prop and replacements for decades-old fire fighting equipment.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant program is covering 95 percent of the estimated cost for the gear, while the city of Sycamore will pay the remaining cost of about $6,761.
The mobile training prop includes a 12-by-20-foot roofing platform mounted on a 23-foot trailer, forcible entry door props, and an overhead door-cutting station.
New equipment will include a breathing air compressor, fill station and cascade system to replace the current 20-year-old unit.
The department also will buy replacements for an attack hose that’s more than 20 years old and a supply hose that’s more than 14 years old.
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, grant awarded to the Sycamore Fire Department, Sycamore Fire Department
Excerpts from the
On Tuesday, the 12-man Pembroke Fire Protection District learned it received $346,159 in federal funding through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. It was one of eight Illinois fire departments, including Kankakee, to received federal funding totaling $2.6 million.
Pembroke received two separate grants. A SAFER grant will be used to certify volunteers and add 16 firefighters during the next four years. It also pays for stipends, turnout gear, insurance, health physicals, and certificates for higher learning.
“We want to get more community members involved in our fire department,” Fire Chief Mark Baines said. “We are excited. This will help us certify our guys and add more to our staff. It will prepare them if they ever want to pursue a full-time job as firefighters.”
The other grant will purchase a new $91,000 brush truck. It will be the first new brush truck the department has ever had.
Earlier this year, one of the department’s brush trucks got destroyed in a fire. Neighboring departments have since assisted the department in rebuilding its 25-year-old brush truck, which blew out an engine a few years ago.
“We’ve been trying to get a new brush truck for four years,” Deputy Chief John Sokol said. “We’ve been fighting brush fires with equipment that’s 10 to 25 years old. This will be big for us. Once we get that old truck back, we’ll have two trucks to deploy.”
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Deputy Chief John Sokol, Fire Chief Mark Baines, Pembroke Fire Protection District, Pembroke FPD receives grant, U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
Excerpts from
The Champaign Fire Department is receiving a grant worth more than $180,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help pay for technical rescue training.
Officials say the Assistance to Firefighters Grant also required a city match of $18,347, or ten percent of the $183,478 grant, which was approved by the Champaign City Council. The grant will pay for the following courses, provided by the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute:
– Rope Rescue Operations
– Rope Rescue Technician
– Vehicle Machinery Technician
– Confined Space Rescue Operations
– Confined Space Rescue TechnicianChampaign Fire Chief Gary Ludwig says, “Continued training is paramount to the safety of our first responders and those we serve in our great community.”
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Champaign Fire Department, Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
From the Village of Oak
Fire Department receives more than $285,000 to purchase new equipment
Thanks to a $285,819 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Oak Forest Fire Department will be able to replace mission-critical gear that is more than 10 years old.
“We are extremely grateful to receive this award, which fills a tremendous safety need for our emergency responders, “said Oak Forest Fire Department Chief Jack Janozik. “I am very proud of our staff, who worked incredibly hard on the grant application.”
As part of the grant’s requirements, the fire department will contribute $28,581 toward the purchase of 28 breathing air pack harnesses, 56 cylinders and 44 air masks. In addition, 44 firefighters will receive a complete set of personal protective clothing, including helmets and boots.
FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants program enhances the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire-related hazards by providing direct financial assistance to eligible fire departments, non-affiliated emergency medical services organizations, and state fire training academies for critically needed resources to equip and train emergency personnel to recognized standards, enhance operations efficiencies, foster interoperability, and support community resilience.
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Oak Forest FD receives federal grant, Oak Forest Fire Department, Oak Forest Fire Department Chief Jack Janozik
From the
Villa Park Fire Department Awarded FEMA Grant to Replace Breathing Apparatus
The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) recently awarded the Villa Park Fire Department a grant through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant to purchase 26 self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
The grant will cover $189,564 or 90 percent of the purchase cost to replace 14-year-old SCBAs. Each new air pack comes with two air bottles, wearing harness, and a mask. In addition, the grant will be used to purchase one new integrated air compressor/fill station for the new bottles.
The new equipment will improve the safety and effectiveness of the firefighters during fire suppression operations as well as other incidents that would require the use of an SCBA. The new SCBAs will improve standardization with neighboring fire departments/districts, as many of them have similar models where the air bottles, masks, etc. are interchangeable.
Tags: Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Villa park FD receives FEMA grant, Villa park Fire Department
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