From Evanston FD on Twitter:
On Tuesday, at approximately 4:50 p.m., the Evanston Fire Department responded to reports of heavy smoke and fire on the 2nd floor of a two-story multi-residential structure at 2002 Emerson St.
First-responding companies encountered heavy smoke and fire conditions visible from the 2nd floor upon arrival, calling for additional resources to contain the threat by elevating the response to a 2nd Alarm. Neighboring fire departments were called to assist with fire investigation and to respond to emergency calls in Evanston.
Due to a well-coordinated interior attack, the fire was extinguished in less than 30 minutes and contained to the unit of origin. Extensive smoke and water damage resulted in the displacement of all residents within the building. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
Although most residents could safely evacuate, firefighters successfully escorted one resident from the first floor of the burning building. Two civilians received medical care, with one transport for evaluation to a local area hospital. No firefighter injuries were reported. American Red Cross responded to the scene and provided emergency services and housing assistance for six displaced residents.

Evanston FD photo