Archive for category Fire Scene photos

Garage fire in Lake Villa, 3-17-25

From Jimmy Bolf 

Lake Villa, IL Garage Fire 3/17/25; #JimmyBolf; #firefighters; #firescene; #LakeVilla;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; Firetruck; #Spartan; #MetroStar; #Alexis; #FoxLakeFPD

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #firefighters; #firescene; #LakeVilla;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 (more)

Additional photos of the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 from Larry Shapiro; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #ShaunUnell;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #LakeForestFD;

Larry Shapiro photo

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3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25

Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters along with mutual aid companies were dispatched for smoke in the building at approximately 1:30 Saturday afternoon to the 321-335 Le Parc Circle building. First arriving companies had light smoke visible and went to investigate. Firefighters found fire from an end unit that was traveling in the walls and through void spaces between the first and second floors. The incident was upgraded to a Code 4 Working Fire that brought additional resources to the scene. As the fire spread into additional units in this six-unit building, the alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm followed by a 2nd Alarm and eventually a 3rd Alarm. 

Four aerials, Buffalo Grove Tower 25, Northbrook Tower 12, Mundelein Quint 432 a Lake Forest quint  were setup for master streams but Mundelein did not go to work. After an aggressive interior attack utilizing multiple companies, everyone was ordered out of the building when conditions were deemed unsafe and they transitioned to a defensive attack.

All six units were left uninhabitable with the major destruction to several units along the west section of the building.; #BuffaloGroveFD; #fire; #leparcCircle; #Townhouse; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #fire; #leparcCircle; #Townhouse; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #fire; #leparcCircle; #Townhouse; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #fire; #leparcCircle; #Townhouse; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #fire; #leparcCircle; #Townhouse; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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3-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 3-5-25 (more)

A few more images from Larry Shapiro at the 3-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 3-5-25; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night; #firefighters;

Larry Shapiro photo

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3-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 3-5-25 (more)

More images from the 3-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 3-5-25; #Kildeer; #LakeZurichFD; #housefire; #JimmyBolf; #flames; #engulf

Jimmy Bolf photo; #Kildeer; #LakeZurichFD; #housefire; #JimmyBolf; #flames; #engulf

Jimmy Bolf photo; #Kildeer; #LakeZurichFD; #housefire; #JimmyBolf; #flames; #engulf

Jimmy Bolf photo; #Kildeer; #LakeZurichFD; #housefire; #JimmyBolf; #firechief

Jimmy Bolf photo

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3-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 3-5-25

Lake Zurich firefighters and neighboring departments were dispatched for a house fire at 21395 W Brandon Road in Kildeer at 9:30 PM Wednesday (3/5/25). Firefighters en route could see smoke from several blocks away. They arrived to find heavy fire in a large, four-car garage. The area is without hydrants so the initial response included several tankers. Lake Zurich Engine 4 arrived first and dropped 1000′ of 4″ hose down the dead-end street. They were followed almost immediately by Long Grove Tanker 55 and then Lake Zurich Engine 3 that laid approximately another 500′ of hose to complete the distance to the address. As lines were stretched from Engine 4, Long Grove assisted with a nursing operation and an additional line was deployed from Engine 3. These three units combined brought just under 5,000 gallons of water to the front of the house.; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Saber; #LakeZurichFD; #flames; #night; #Kildeer;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #LongGroveFD; #flames; #night;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night;

Larry Shapiro photo; #fire; #flames; #engulf; #Kildeer;;;; #night; #firefighters

Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside and Wauconda tankers setup portable dump tanks at the end of the street and the Countryside tanker was used as the draft engine. The alarm was upgraded to a Box Alarm, then a 2nd Alarm, and finally a 3rd Alarm for tankers (tenders) to maintain a sufficient water supply for the companies battling the flames.; #FireTruck; #CountrysideFPD; #larryshapiro;;; #CountrysideFPD; #drafting;

Larry Shapiro photo; #FireTruck; #CountrysideFPD; #larryshapiro;;; #CountrysideFPD; #drafting;

Larry Shapiro photo

Rolling Meadows Quint 15 backed down the long block and setup for an aerial master stream but was not deployed.; #fire; #FireTruck; #RollingMeadowsFD; #Pirece; #Velocity; #larryshapiro;;

Larry Shapiro photo

At least 13 tankers were on the scene or shuttling water including Countryside, Barrington Countryside, Wauconda, Antioch, Richmond, Nunda, Grayslake, Wonderlake, East Dundee, Fox River Grove, Round Lake, McHenry Township, and Long Grove.; #nightfire; #ruralwatersupply; #tanker; #tender; #dumping; #Kildeer; #NundaRuralFPD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #nightfire; #ruralwatersupply; #tanker; #tender; #dumping; #Kildeer; #Grayslake

Larry Shapiro photo; #nightfire; #ruralwatersupply; #tanker; #tender; #dumping; #Kildeer; #BarringtonCountrysideFPD

Larry Shapiro photo; #nightfire; #ruralwatersupply; #tanker; #tender; #dumping; #Kildeer; #FoxRiverGroveFD

Larry Shapiro photo

Firefighters were able to hold the fire to the large garage and save the house.; #firescene; #house; #Kildeer; #larryshapiro;;

Larry Shapiro photo


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House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25 (more)

A few more images from the House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25 of the later stages of operations;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #FireTruck; #LibertyvilleFD; #Pierce; #Enforcer;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #FireTruck; #quint; #Sutphen;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #overhaul;

Larry Shapiro photo

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House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25

Mundelein firefighters and mutual aid companies were sent to a duplex at 1283 Huntington Drive early Sunday evening for afire. Upon arrival they had smoke showing from a two-story frame duplex unit with the whereabouts of a resident unknown. There was heavy fire in a second floor bedroom. Firefighters encountered hoarder conditions inside which hampered efforts for a thorough search. The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm for additional personnel.

The fire was extinguished within a half hour and companies began extensive overhaul. Libertyville Engine 462 and Mundelein quint 432 were both on hydrants.; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firetruck; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf;  #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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Box Alarm fire in unincorporated Long Grove, 3-1-25 (more)

Some early images of the Box Alarm fire in unincorporated Long Grove, 3-1-25; #CountrysideFPD; #housefire; #OakwoodCircle; #flames; #engulf;; #CountrysideFPD; #housefire; #OakwoodCircle; #flames; #engulf;; #CountrysideFPD; #housefire; #OakwoodCircle; #flames; #engulf;; #CountrysideFPD; #housefire; #OakwoodCircle; #firefighters;


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Box Alarm fire in unincorporated Long Grove, 3-1-25

Firefighters from the Countryside Fire Protection District and neighboring fire departments responded to a house fire at 5636 Oakwood Circle Saturday night just after 8:30PM (3/1/25).  The fire, reported to have begun in the rear of the structure, communicated to the house. The neighborhood is without fire hydrants and required water to be shuttled to the scene by tankers (tenders). Firefighters initially took an offensive posture before having to transition to a defensive attack.

The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm for additional resources. Countryside, Mundelein, and Lincolnshire-Riverwoods apparatus were deployed on the block as a Lake Zurich engine laid 1000′ of 4″ hose to the corner where they began drafting from two portable tanks. Countryside Ladder Tower 411 was setup for aerial master stream operations in the driveway. 

A partial list of tankers that shuttled water to the scene included Countryside, Wauconda, Grayslake, Libertyville, Round Lake, and the first deployment for the new Long Grove tanker. Other units at the scene were a Gurnee tower ladder along with engines from Lake Forest, North Chicago, and Highland Park plus an ambulance from Wheeling.; #CountrysideFPD; #JimmyBolf; #FireTruck; #Metz

Jimmy Bolf photo

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