This from Prospect Heights FPD Chief Drew Smith:
Here is a different kind of lift assist. Earlier today our deputy chief was leaving the firehouse when he noticed that the cell tower workers were stuck in their manlift. The lift was disabled so they could not get down. We used Tower 9 to assist them. No one was injured and they appeared to take this inconvenience as routine.

Prospect Heights FPD photo

Prospect Heights FPD photo

Prospect Heights FPD photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by FPM157 on September 1, 2022 - 7:26 PM
And let’s be honest here, if you’ve had any real world experience on a Tower or Ladder truck, the older ones when built right, (which this one clearly was) operate was better than the overly loaded with electronics pieces of junk we have have today. Now this is my own opinion, but I know from experience from working on older and newer apparatus and using them on incidents, that most of the time I’d prefer to use the older ones that I can rely on, without electronics failing at the most inopportune time. When you’re stuck on a scene and have to call out a EVT because your electronic sensor system is preventing you from bedding the ladder, you wish you had the older generation. They just work!
#2 by Tim on September 1, 2022 - 5:44 PM
Very well said Chief.
#3 by Austin on September 1, 2022 - 10:19 AM
Chief Smith, that was very well written. You are obviously doing the best you can with what you are given. From what I have seen on this blog for the past 4 plus years I have followed it, you always provide great insight on posts about your department, as well as other posts. I wouldn’t worry about what one bozo has to say, some people just like confrontation. Probably someone who is mad they didn’t get a job with you or something like that. Keep up the great work!
#4 by Pat on September 1, 2022 - 8:02 AM
Prospect Heights started my career in the fire service and I will always be grateful. For someone to say it is a laughing stock, they obviously don’t know anything about P Hts. Great guys/girls, and a great department that I am proud to tell people I worked at for my beginning years.
#5 by crabbymilton on September 1, 2022 - 6:08 AM
Well said Drew. That truck does look great for it’s age. Regardless of why that crew’s equipment failed, you folks got them down without complaint.
#6 by Drew Smith on August 31, 2022 - 10:51 PM
For those interested permit me to elaborate.
Yes Tower 9 is 29 years old. It receives its annual maintenance from Wirfs in McHenry and they do an excellent job. And also receives an annual non-destructive test from UL demonstrating it meets all requirements of NFPA 9111. It is old and it is tired and we would like to acquire a new one but a series of setbacks has not made that possible. We spend about 2.5 percent of the cost of new on annual maintenance and repairs. In its 29 years it has mainly run on fires with an occasional other type of call. It has low miles and hours. The regional distribution and staffing of aerial apparatus has changed significantly in that time and not necessarily for the better.
While the rundown of apparatus is correct, I make no assertion that we staff all those rigs. Our staffing is dynamic based on the location and nature of the call. We deploy 2-3 depending on the incident. While this may not be the operational model for some, it is our operational model necessary given our constraints.
In the current fire service climate staffing is difficult for everyone, paid and volunteer and everything in between. I am not familiar with any fire department currently recruiting that is turning people away. Our reliance on part-time people traditionally provided a path into full-time careers. However that path is no longer necessary given the low number of applicants everywhere. We have added more than ten part timers this year. However about half have received full time jobs and needed to take a leave of absence while on probation.
In 2018 we asked voters for a tax increase and they approved one. In 2019 that money arrived. However, as the end of 2020 approached several businesses did not pay their property taxes resulting in a ten percent loss so I had no choice but to cut staffing and so we went from 9 a day to 7. By state law fire districts are limited to property taxes and ambulances fees. We currently levy the maximum property tax permitted by law. We also charge the maximum ambulance fee we can justify to the feds and state authorities. Currently taxes and fees are growing but not at a rate that permits the hiring of several more members to up daily staffing.
Since late last year we have more than doubled the number of full-time employees on our staff. This is due to a lack of part timers. Full time employees with pension and benefits costs double the part time member. While this transition is positive it means our ability to restore staffing will take longer.
Prospect Heights is composed of two completely different demographics: lower incomes in high density, multi-family housing that is hydrated on one side of the city, and single-family homes on half-acre-plus lots without hydrants. We service every resident with excellence.
We have just completed a two year process to create a comprehensive plan that will guide us for the next five-plus years. When it is adopted by the board of trustees, it’ll be shared with our community and whoever else is interested.
With regards to the comment “P heights is the laughing stock of the area.” That may be one opinion but I reject that notion. It is an insult to every man and woman who serves currently or had served in the past. I won’t wait for an apology as I have better uses for my time.
Hundreds of our alumni serve on virtually every fire department throughout the north and northwest suburbs. Those alums regularly tell me the value the PHFD meant to their career. Our current men and women perform their duties with dedication and are helping foster a positive culture. I’m extremely proud of them and will defend them without hesitation or avoidance.
I answer for our members and myself to our board and residents. I have excellent relations with them. The desk drawer full of cards and letters as well as the weekly gifts of treats for our members from our residents is my affirmation of that.
I have served the PHFD for over 40 years, the last six as fire chief. I don’t profess to be the smartest person in the room but I am in that room with many other chiefs, I am active with many fire service organizations, and I freely share my experiences and resources with those who ask, whether firefighter, fire chief, or any rank in between.
Finally, I welcome genuine inquiry and am happy to answer questions from those who do so. But if you’re a hater then there is no plausible explanation that will satisfy you.
Drew Smith
Fire Chief
Prospect Heights Fire District
email and phone available at
#7 by Frank R on August 31, 2022 - 11:40 AM
Surprised that tower still works. Even more surprised they had the manpower to get it out the door. P heights is the laughing stock of the area. Engine, tower, squad, tanker, and 2 ambulances with 6 people to staff all those rigs. Chief won’t ask for more money and continuously does more with less. No wonder no one wants to work there.
#8 by crabbymilton on August 31, 2022 - 11:40 AM
I was wondering about a manual override for such things. I guess we have to assume they knew how to use that but either that function didn’t work or perhaps they just didn’t know how to activate it. Never assume I guess.
#9 by Rob G on August 31, 2022 - 11:17 AM
There is a way to emergency lower the basket from both the basket control panel as well as ground control system, even if the unit looses power. Sounds like someone slept in AWP class, or didn’t even bother with certification training.
#10 by DaveyB on August 31, 2022 - 10:45 AM
Crabby, it happened to a cable guy in Munster, IN several years ago. He’s in the air working, and his truck caught fire. If I recall, Calumet City’s tower broke down with a crew over a church fire. Both cases, rescues were made without serious injury.
#11 by crabbymilton on August 31, 2022 - 5:44 AM
Hey it could have been worse. Just think if was sub zero being stuck up there.
The warranty must have expired earlier in the day on that thing.
#12 by Harry on August 30, 2022 - 7:11 PM
Good looking tower chief smith