Truck 41 FDE- 375

thanks Danny
Truck 41 FDE- 375
Tags: Chicago FD Truck 41, Chicago Fire Department,, new E-ONE ladder truck for Chicago, new ladder truck for Chicago FD
This entry was posted on August 31, 2022, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Chicagoland fire photos on September 15, 2022 - 9:37 AM
36 Has officially gone into service as of wensday
#2 by Aidan Hughes on September 14, 2022 - 8:57 PM
When will the last 4 trucks including this one start service? I saw this truck at the shops several times and Truck 41 is still operating their Pierce ladder truck.
#3 by Danny Gligor on September 14, 2022 - 6:13 PM
Just the same as the Boston (BFD) counterparts most likely but with similar specs to CFD I presume.
#4 by Luke Jackson on September 4, 2022 - 3:45 AM
Surprised the newest batch of trucks don’t have the officers side cab compartment like the newest batch of engines.
#5 by Danny on September 3, 2022 - 9:48 PM
also of not on the 5 year purchase agreement….
the limit to spend in $106,035,740.00
in march of 2022 the agreement was amended showing new pricing per unit as of January 16, 2021
Tower Ladders – $1,056,769.79 ($17,312.79 increase)
Rear mount Ladders – $864,054.59 ($14,155.59 increase)
Engines – $587,626.54 ($9,626.94 increase)
and from 1-16-19 to present it shows checks cut for the agreement reflecting 5 of the 8 ladders on this current order and all previous delivers units (18 engines, 18 trucks (21 once order is finished, as stated only 5 showed paid currently), and 2 towers) totaling $29,475,658.56 spent so far.
units bought under Purchase Agreement
Engines – 11, 39, 74, 30, 72, 81, 43, 93, 102, 127, 97, 8, 89, 19, 16, 92, 68, 95
Trucks – 30, 49, 40, 52, 35, 58, 22, 4, 29, 3, 2, 17, 47, 34, 36, 37, 20, 25, 51, 41, TBD (8th on order has yet to be seen offically)
Towers – 10, 24
purchase outside of the Agreement was TL 63 and Aerial Tower 8 as well as the Engine assigned to the Quinn Fire Academy
purchased Prior to the agreement
Engines – 125, 73, 121, 28, 50, 71, 59, 80, 94, 103, 104, 116, 126
Trucks – N/A
Towers – 14, 16(X TL-37), 39, 5, 21,
Total Rigs Replaced with new E-one units since 2015
Engines 32
Trucks 21
Towers 8
#6 by Danny on September 3, 2022 - 9:12 PM
Rich S. Where did you see truck 15 getting a new rig? hasn’t been seen at fleet to my knowledge on this current order units assigned 20 25 34 36 37 41 51 and one outstanding that hasn’t been delivered as far as anyone has seen or heard
one the topic of haz-mat rigs as well, one would think e-one would be the choice but its a separate bid to my knowledge and the 5 year purchase agreement with e-one was for engines ladders and towers only, as that is what the pricing listed in the contract states
#7 by Crabbymilton on September 3, 2022 - 10:31 AM
Thanks much Tom. I no longer subscribe to FAJ so any info is appreciated. I check that MFD FANDOM page. They keep a good roster on there.
#8 by Tom Conrad on September 2, 2022 - 9:32 PM
John and Crabby,
Milwaukee FD has a midmount Tower Ladder being built at Pierce now with anticipated deliver of October. Going to Tower 1 from the info I have, Also 2 new med units just arrived ( I have not photographed them yet) International Horton going to Med-16 and Med-7
#9 by Al W. on September 2, 2022 - 6:49 PM
I have noticed that since the contract with E-One, the CFD has not put 2 new rigs in the same station in the same year. Is this a coincidence or policy?
#10 by Chicagoland fire photos on September 2, 2022 - 1:55 PM
Harry that’s because Rosenbauer was the only one making snorkels or “ACPs” as they call them.
#11 by Harry on September 2, 2022 - 11:40 AM
Mike c well cfd got the rosenbauers in 2016 but I do hope cfd gets done hazmats
#12 by Chicagoland fire photos on September 2, 2022 - 7:50 AM
Replying to Aiden
Truck 26s pierce is back in service and running fine so I wound assume that they are good for now and will probably get replaced with the next wave of trucks.
#13 by Mike C on September 2, 2022 - 6:19 AM
Nice to see some good dialogue on here!
I can only guess but fleets loyalty to E-One that 511 and 512 will be built by E-One? The ALF’s surprisingly are still alive. The old ALF’s were great, the later models were junk and I hated the cab.
#14 by Michael m on September 1, 2022 - 11:59 PM
By my count since 2016, 32 engines in the city proper have been replaced. Seven of the 9 tower ladders in the city excluding 63, if you include 63, 8 out of 10. They desperately needed the towers. Scuba team 683 rig has been replaced. They have replaced 23 of the 61 ladder trucks, now 511 and 512 will finally be replaced. I am sure 511 and 512’s rigs are in bad shape.
#15 by Aidan Hughes on September 1, 2022 - 8:29 PM
What about Truck 26? Should they be getting one too? I’m sure they’ll get one of the next three trucks currently on order if not this one
#16 by Rich S. on September 1, 2022 - 8:03 PM
New trucks 15, 41, 51 should be in service starting tomorrow, Friday September 2nd. New Haz Mat rigs are in the works going to be a bit smaller but 511 & 512 will each get two pieces a front and rear rig.
#17 by Danny on September 1, 2022 - 7:04 PM
the purchase agreement with e-one allows orders to be placed up till it end Jan 16 2024, currently the city proper only has 2 engines 3 ladders and 1 tower planned and on order at the moment for fire suppression rigs, there will be a few new crash trucks as well as another engine for Ohare which I assume will be a replacement for engine 12. also solid rumor that new haz mat replacements are in the works as well.
#18 by Danny on September 1, 2022 - 7:00 PM
tower 23 is only OOS as far as i know due to delays caused by a part shortage. they tore up the power cable that runs down the main at that multi alarm fire in late feb 2022 been in spares even since…. was told the average turn around time at fleet now is about 4 months due to parts delays and backordering, and longer if it needs to go to an outside vendor or needs any serious work done, like engine 122 thats been in spares for well over 18 months now
#19 by crabbymilton on September 1, 2022 - 1:31 PM
Hello John. I was hoping you knew. I checked PIERCE’s new delivery section and the last MFD rig was delivered May ’21 (T2). I hate to say it but it really looks like MFD will become just another district of an unofficial Milwaukee County fire department(shared service) I hear Tosa, West Allis and others being dispatched to Milwaukee all the time now. So I’m afraid you may be right when we shouldn’t expect too many new deliveries just yet. Sad but consolidation might be the way to go in the Milwaukee area if done right.
#20 by John Antkowski on September 1, 2022 - 1:14 PM
Thanks again to everyone who helped answer my questions. Crabbymilton, has Milwaukee placed any new apparatus in service? I think that maybe the Chief is waiting for the 2023 budget to be finalized to help figure out their plans. Due to the fact that closures are imminent for next year.
#21 by Chicagoland fire photos on September 1, 2022 - 7:54 AM
I’m guessing the next two towers on this contract (2023/2024) will be going to 23 (As their rig looks to be oos) and then 54 (to make all the pierces spares)?
#22 by crabbymilton on September 1, 2022 - 6:01 AM
Probably the same type of cameras that they use on Milwaukee County Transit buses. If there’s an incident, the driver pushes an event button to flag it. Camera’s are everywhere now so if people are afraid then stay in the house.
#23 by Aidan Hughes on August 31, 2022 - 10:05 PM
The new Tower Ladder is likely going to Tower 23 because it is a busy company.
#24 by Danny on August 31, 2022 - 8:26 PM
there is supposed to be 1 tower ordered on fiscal year 2022… so the order will be placed sometime in the next year or less no news on that yet… but its down to 54 or 23 on who will get it
#25 by Harry on August 31, 2022 - 7:47 PM
It is not like t41 creed has the choice to not have the new rig
#26 by Dennis on August 31, 2022 - 7:03 PM
People are so concerned over cameras that mean nothing. The cameras are the same ones my Chevy traverse has. Nobody is recording anything except the front camera if you get into an accident. OEMC can not remotely turn on the camera, nobody can. Firefighters need to stop being so paranoid.
#27 by Eric on August 31, 2022 - 6:59 PM
Glad to see somebody’s watching! I’m in the process of moving & a couple other life changes but I’ll get around to figuring out website woes thereafter. The truck index is broken, but if you punch in E-372 through E-380 into the search, the record will come up.
#28 by Josh on August 31, 2022 - 5:49 PM
John, new companies are as follows
2022 Engines 8, 16, 19, 68, 72, 89, 92, 95, 97, Academy Engine
2022 Trucks 20, 25, 34, 36, 37, 41, 51,
2022 Tower 24
#29 by Chicago Northside buffer on August 31, 2022 - 4:27 PM
It’s great to see a new ladder but when will they never put an3 order for a new Tower Ladder 23 their rig is not looking good in the shop? anyone can tell me?
#30 by John Antkowski on August 31, 2022 - 2:21 PM
Dennis would you happen to know what companies received new Apparatus this year? Thank you.
#31 by Aidan Hughes on August 31, 2022 - 2:13 PM
That’s a nice new rig but the members of Truck 41 say they don’t want it because of the cameras on the front of the truck and their current Pierce ladder truck is in great shape and runs smoothly but they’ll get used to it once it starts service. By the way, is this rig preparing to start service?
#32 by John Antkowski on August 31, 2022 - 2:03 PM
Thanks Dennis.
#33 by Dennis on August 31, 2022 - 1:42 PM
The CFD shop numbers website is a privately run website with no connection to the city.
#34 by John Antkowski on August 31, 2022 - 1:30 PM
Nice Rig. I have a question? Why aren’t these new Apparatus showing up on the CFD shop numbers on their website?