Archive for February 21st, 2025

New engine for McCook FD

Excerpts from the McCook FD Facebook page:

The village board approved the purchase of a new engine for our department. In early 2028, we will receive a Pierce Enforcer PUC, which will replace our current 2001 Spartan.
The mayor and village board have demonstrated their commitment to public safety, as well as identifying the needs as presented in the department’s five year strategic plan.; #drawing; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #McCookFD;

click to download

thanks Josh

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New engine for the Lemont Fire Protection District (more)

From Bill Schreiber:; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo; #rosenbaueramerica; #FireTruck; #beingbuilt; #Commander; #LemontFPD;

Rosenbauer photo

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House fire in Vernon Hills, 2-20-25 (more)

Countryside and Mundelein firefighters were back at the scene of the House fire in Vernon Hills Thursday afternoon dousing hot spots and flare ups; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #Evolution; #rosenbaueramerica;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter; #aftermath;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter; #FireTruck; #Metz;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter; #aftermath; #firefighters;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #CountrysideFPD; #firescene; #winter; #FireTruck; #Metz; #HME; #Sle;

Larry Shapiro photo

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