From Sentinel Emergency Solutions on Facebook:
The Hinsdale Fire Department recently ordered a Rosenbauer Group ACP 55? articulating aerial! Hinsdale is located about 45 minutes southwest of downtown Chicago. This will be the SECOND Rosenbauer for the full-time department. THANK YOU Chief Jeff Pindelski and the firefighters of Hinsdale for choosing Sentinel Emergency Solutions and Rosenbauer to build your next fire apparatus!Features include:
- Commander chassis 60? cab with 11? raised roof
- Rosenbauer LCS electrical system
- 1750-GPM pump
- 500-gallon water tank
For more info click HERE:Apparatus Specialist: Bill Schreiber Sentinel Emergency Solutions- Chicagoland
#1 by Colton Latham on September 20, 2024 - 7:30 AM
Bill, I was originally confused about this too. While Hinsdale does have 2 pierce engines (currently 84 and 85), the Spartan/Metz tower has a little bit of Rosenbauer work in it and is being called their second Rosenbauer. Suprisingly enough, they do currently have an engine in order from pierce. I do wonder if it will be canceled or if they will follow through with both.
#2 by Mike C on September 20, 2024 - 7:16 AM
I see purchases like this that unfortunately, are not a good investment to the community. Back in the day when you actually had a lot of working fires, these were slightly more practical but this ‘Snorkel’ will actually get very little if any use throughout it’s lifespan other than demonstrations and parades. The market is very diversified with different types of aerials. I find it very hard to believe this was the best option the Hinsdale administration could come up with.
#3 by Big Moe on September 20, 2024 - 12:51 AM
Yes Chuck, I agree with you. Looks like longest portable ladder is 24′. Hmmm.
Jim S, yes indeed. No horizontal reach with this piece.
#4 by Bill on September 19, 2024 - 10:25 PM
I thought hinsdale had a fleet of pierce, did they have a rosenbauer engine on order too?
#5 by Craig Mack on September 19, 2024 - 10:17 PM
So they buy a snorkel because they’re small so they can shimmy up a driveway at a McMansion fire….but then they give it an extra long body and a huge front bumper??? Tell me how that makes sense!!
#6 by Jim S on September 19, 2024 - 7:39 PM
I remember going to a 4-11 fire in Hinsdale years ago…Hinsdale had their tower ladder set up in the street fully extended and was still 50 feet short of reaching the building. Clarendon Hills FD old Mack with a 50ft tele-squrt pulled up the driveway and was used to overhaul the soffits. After that fire there was rumor Hinsdale was considering buying a pumper/tele-squrt. I still think that would be a better choice than a snorkel device. Just my 2 cents.
#7 by Chuck on September 19, 2024 - 6:48 PM
Ah – another contestant in the “I gotta have a cooler truck than the next town over” contest with zero regard how that rig gets used day to day.