I was curious if someone on your blog may have photos of the International Loadstar 1800/Pierce fire engine and Travel-All ambulance that were used by the fire brigade at the International Harvester Agricultural Engineering Center in Hinsdale (Burr Ride) in the late 70s. An IH retiree provided the attached photo but looking for additional photos if they may be out there.
Steve Ford
A request for assistance
International Harvester- Hinsdale Agricultural Center Apparatus Photos
#1 by Steve Ford on March 29, 2024 - 8:41 AM
I do recall they provided mutual aid to Tri-State. Thank you for your reply!
#2 by Bruce Mayor on March 23, 2024 - 2:35 AM
I was a Lt. on Tri-State Fire Protection District and Sgt. of Plant Protection and Safety at the Engineering Center. I helped train the fire brigade. They were called on for mutual aid to Tri-State. I don’t have any photos or know where you might find them. Sorry