New engine for the East Hazel Crest FD
From the East Hazel Crest Facebook page:
thanks Martin
Jan 12
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | Comments off
New engine for the East Hazel Crest FD
From the East Hazel Crest Facebook page:
thanks Martin
Tags: #rosenbaueramerica,,, East Hazel Crest FD Engine Company 17, East Hazel Crest Fire Department, New engine for the East Hazel Crest FD, Rosenbauer Warrior cab
Jan 12
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Truck photos, Rescue scene photos | 6 Comments
This from Colton Latham:
Frankfort had a technical rescue last night (1/11/24) for a utility contractor trapped on the roof of the 125-foot Frankfort Grainery building, a local landmark. The contractor, not yet identified, was working on the large antenna on top of the building, when he fell about 15 feet, breaking his arm. He called 9-1-1 on his own cellphone, which eventually initiated a response from the MABAS 19 and CART technical rescue teams. Tinley Park FD deployed their tower ladder and was able to take the man down to the ground from a window about 80 feet up before being loaded into Frankfort Ambulance 73. The initial call went out at around 5:30 with units clear at around 7-8:00
Colton Latham photo
A wide shot of the units on the south side of the building
Colton Latham photo
Tinley Park Tower Ladder 48 reaching up to an 80′ high window
Colton Latham photo
A scene view
Colton Latham photo
“New” Tinley Park Squad 46
Colton Latham photo
The contractor being brought to the ground on a stokes basket in Tower Ladder 48
Colton Latham photo
Tower Ladder 48 going back up to bring down more personnel and equipment
Colton Latham photo
Tower Ladder 48 packing up
Colton Latham photo
Manhattan Squad 81 outing light in the scene
Colton Latham photo
Frankfort CART Squad 76 repositioning
Colton Latham photo
Excerpts from
A man was rescued Thursday afternoon at the Frankfort Grainery after he fell while working on an antenna. The man fell around 2:30 p.m. while he was working on a cell phone tower and severely fractured his arm.
Around 4:45 p.m, the Frankfort Fire Department and other agencies started to bring the worker down.
“He was on top of the roof, had about a 15-foot fall with a severe arm injury,” Frankfort Fire Protection District Deputy Chief Paul Kinsella said. “We quickly made contact with him via cell phone, deployed a drone up to get a visual on him right away, realized he wouldn’t be able to walk down.”
Firefighters from multiple agencies and technical rescue teams were called in to help.
Once firefighters made it to the roof, they warmed the man with blankets and hot packs.
WGNtv photo
WGNtv photo
thanks Martin
Tags:, Colton Latham, Frankfort Fire Protection District, worker trapped at hte Frankfort Grainery building
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