More from Larry Shapiro on the 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, 8-18-23:
Some apparatus shots from the scene

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21

Chicago FD Engine 55

Chicago FD Ambulance 6

Chicago FD Squad 1
More from Larry Shapiro on the 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, 8-18-23:
Some apparatus shots from the scene
Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21
Chicago FD Engine 55
Chicago FD Ambulance 6
Chicago FD Squad 1
Tags: #Commander, #larryshapiro, #rosenbaueramerica, 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Ambulance 6, Chicago FD Engine 55, Chicago FD High-Rise Unit 6-4-16, Chicago FD OFI 4-6-9, Chicago FD Squad 1A, Chicago FD Squad 2, Chicago FD Squad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 10, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 5, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Rehab Unit 5-7-2,, EONE, fire scene photos,,,
This entry was posted on August 19, 2023, 8:00 PM and is filed under Apparatus on-scene. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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#1 by Chicagoland fire photos on August 25, 2023 - 12:51 PM
6-4-16 carries mainly extra Truck co. equipment (Hand tools, vent fans, lights, air bottles, ETC.). The main purpose is to take Engine co.s from staging and turn them into Truck co.s for searchs and truck work. It also has a few high rise nozzles and the HERO pipe. Attached is a link to my photos of Engine Co. 18s quarters where you can see a photo of the inside of the rear of the apparatus.
#2 by Fred M on August 24, 2023 - 1:57 PM
Great photo’s Larry. Thanks for sharing.
Can anyone explain what 6-4-16 High Rise Unit’s purpose is or what it carries
that is unique for high rise incidents?