This from Jimmy Bolf:
Bloomingdale General Alarm at 136 East Lake Street

Jimmy Bolf photo
This from Jimmy Bolf:
Bloomingdale General Alarm at 136 East Lake Street
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags: Bloomingdale Fire District, car into a building in Bloomingdale, Carol Stream FD Tower 28,, commercial fire in Bloomingdale, fire scene photos, Jimmy Bolf
This entry was posted on February 4, 2023, 11:00 AM and is filed under Fire Scene photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Bill on March 19, 2023 - 2:20 PM
Bill Post, other TL companies that respond first due to their still district. Carol Stream TL 28, West Chicago TL 6, and Wheaton TL 38. Lots of surrealism I guess.
#2 by joe Gumienski on February 8, 2023 - 2:01 AM
Former home of a Chase Bank branch
#3 by Bill Post on February 7, 2023 - 12:11 PM
A few nights ago when that fire was in progress I was watching it on live TV via a Helicopter Zoom camera view and it was almost surrealisic as it close in on that car at front door of the bank and every thing around it either burning or wrecked. Speaking of Surrealism the Bloomingdale fire department seems to be surrealistic as well. It turns out the even though they officially have 3 fire stations Station 2 (22) is not normally manned while Station 23 (on the West side of town) only has their Tower Ladder and their Ambulance manned. Bloomingdale has had a Tower Ladder in service for quite a while and I even remember seeing their Old Pierce Tower Ladder at an Extra Alarm Fire in Buffalo Grove in Mutual Aide something like 10 to 12 years ago. That is besides point however and my point that I hope that the Bloomingdale Tower Ladder responds as Quint in its first due area because otherwise it seems pretty ridiculous to only have a Tower Ladder (Truck company) assigned to Station without a manned Engine company as it still takes an Engine company to put the fire out. It turns out that only their Station 1 (21) has a manned Engine company assigned to it.
#4 by Harry on February 6, 2023 - 6:56 PM
Dh the yellow poles I am referring to are the ones usually by fire station bay doors I have personal experience with those I hit one years back totaled my grandpa’s car years back and the pole barely moved
#5 by The DH on February 6, 2023 - 12:34 PM
Harry, if you look at google streetview, it shows that there were pillar(s) protecting the meter…those only do so much…
#6 by Harry on February 5, 2023 - 10:38 AM
Austin I figured that but there may have to be a different solution for the future like maybe those yellow poles by the gas meter also there may have to be stricter building codes now time will tell but the main thing is no one was hurt or killed
#7 by Austin on February 5, 2023 - 9:09 AM
Harry its a tight lot. When it was built drive thru banking was still huge. So in stead of 2 lanes facing the other way, they could have 6 angled facing the building.
#8 by Harry on February 5, 2023 - 1:43 AM
What I can’t figure is why they would have the drive thru facing the bank
#9 by Chuck on February 4, 2023 - 10:22 PM
That’s one way to close down a branch.