From Horizon Fire Apparatus Chicagoland on Facebook:
Yesterday Inverness Fire Protection District wrapped up a pre-construction meeting on their new HME Ahrens-Fox pumper and tender. They were able to take in all the awesome ideas we found at the factory and put them to good use. We have ways to go until they’re finished, but when these siblings roll out, they’re going to the baddest pair in the Chicagoland area!
#1 by Tony Cal on January 23, 2023 - 1:08 PM
Michael- They will both be 1871w cabs. Hopefully will be ready to go mid 2024 or sooner.
#2 by Michael m on January 23, 2023 - 9:09 AM
What Chasis will the engine and tanker be on? Are they looking at a 2 year build on both rigs?
#3 by Cmk420 on January 22, 2023 - 5:21 PM
Mike–they also had a brush truck & an old ambulance that was (I believe) converted to some type of utility. The ambulances were also part of the equipment they shared with Palatine, which had blue stripe on them. They also got an ambulance from somewhere else .
#4 by Michael on January 22, 2023 - 3:36 PM
All things being equal, you gotta love those low slung big hosebeds. Just add water and a full, functional crew .
#5 by Mike on January 22, 2023 - 2:15 PM
In 1994/1995 when palatine rural became an actual fire district and. Or just a paper district they used the equipment they had owned while combined with palatine. Which was a pierce engine, a pierce tele-squrt and an old seagrave engine. I can’t remember the ambulances. When they bought new equipment the engine and tanker were built by US tanker on HME chassis. The next engine was a KME and now they’re back to HME. The tanker is over 20 years old.