This from Eric Haak:

Here are a few quick images from a fire in Chicago’s 8th Battalion this morning (12/30). 25 x 50, 2-story ordinary, occupied, with slight communication to the “B” exposure. Engine Companies 125 and 68 with Truck Companies 53 and 29.; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #firefighters; #flames;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #firefighters;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #firefighters;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #firefighters; #flames;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #firefighters; #flames;

Eric Haak photo; #ChicagoFD; #EricHaak; #FireTruck;

Eric Haak photo