This from Tri-State – USFiR Photography:
Aurora had a working garage fire in Engine 7’s still on Gladstone Ave around 3:30pm on 3/14/22. Internal 2nd alarm was requested. Also a photo of the new Truck 2 for AFD
More photos HERE:

Tri State – USFiR Photography

Tri State – USFiR Photography

Tri State – USFiR Photography
#1 by Ffpm03 on March 23, 2022 - 8:49 PM
Its no big deal. I’ve got experience on a variety of departments from volunteer to career, and realize there is no one size fits all approach. What works great for one town may not work in another. In the end the goal is the same, save lives and property, though the methods used to reach the goal may differ. All that matters is you train on what works for you!
#2 by Tom W on March 21, 2022 - 10:25 PM
Amen Ffpm03! No need to justify anything here, but thanks for sharing your insight on why you do what you do. Unfortunately, we are in a day and age that we need to defend any of our comments or actions! Thanks for wasting your precious time, useful thoughts and key strokes on a comment by an ignorant person! I completely respect you and your reply. Both the FD and PD in Aurora are awesome! Be safe brother!
#3 by Ffpm03 on March 21, 2022 - 8:23 PM
AFD trains on the truck getting the address. We have fully staffed companies and everyone knows their roles. We are fortunate to have multiple engine companies and can get water on the fire pretty quickly. Most times an engine will arrive the same time as the Truck or before. No pump saves weight, length, etc and works well for us. Each department is unique and we train extensively on what works for us along with a good majority of members having many years of experience in the fire service.
#4 by hawks66 on March 16, 2022 - 11:30 PM
Tom, well said. Looks like the Engine company kept it from extending into the home so there was no need for roof ops. A lot of departments have the luxury of not having wires in front of the homes on the street. Have to position it anywhere feasible to ladder it with the truck when necessary.
#5 by Tom W on March 16, 2022 - 11:06 PM
hawks66, most people have no clue about how to use a pump less ladder truck! Aurora does with plenty of experience!!!! I wish in my tenure we had that luxury!!! Put the damn truck where ever they want, to take care of the interior suppression crew! For heaven’s sake, put it under the wires and beach it in the lagoon if you have too! By the way Bill, I’m sure they did their job professionally and proficiently!
#6 by hawks66 on March 16, 2022 - 9:53 PM
Hey Bill. You could probably learn a thing or two from that crew. Because I guarantee you they know the job and you just probably hate the “pump less” ladder trucks because you don’t use one.
#7 by Tom W on March 16, 2022 - 7:52 PM
I’m pretty confident Aurora knows what they are doing and what works in their community! Oh, by the way, I’m sure they see their fair share of fires?! As all of us who have been in the fire service know, every incident is fluid and not text book! Give it up Bill!!!
#8 by Gerald on March 16, 2022 - 3:49 PM
Bill, might have something to do with the power lines above it…
#9 by Bill on March 15, 2022 - 9:11 PM
Why is the pump less ladder nosed into the fire building driveway again?
#10 by Mike C on March 15, 2022 - 9:26 AM
Aurora Truck 2 is pretty sharp! In my opinion, probably the best single axle aerial on the market.