From Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-Alsip Fire Department in the mid 1960’s. The left apparatus, Eng. 1 is a 1947 Chevy/Central 500/300. The middle became Eng. 2033. a 1964 ALF 900 1000/750. The right apparatus I do not know anything about it, except it is a mid 1950’s Ford. The first photo I got from the Alsip FD facebook page, so thank you. The color photos are from the 1990’s. Enjoy, and feel free to comment.Mike Summa

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo

Alsip FD photo
#1 by DaveyB on August 16, 2021 - 8:24 AM
South Holland was big on ALF, 4 engines and an Aero Chief.
Thornton had a ’58 on a Ford chassis.
Glenwood had a Pioneer model.
South Chicago Heights and Dixmoor had 2 engines each.
#2 by crabbymilton on August 16, 2021 - 6:52 AM
Great shots of sharp looking rigs. No question that ALF built some great apparatus over the many years. Sadly they also had an extremely long history of quality and internal problems that for whatever reason they couldn’t shake. The EAGLE was the last attempt to get them rolling. Funny that there aren’t too many around anymore and not very well liked save for their good looks.
#3 by Mike hellmuth on August 12, 2021 - 6:38 PM
Great classic American Lafrance fire apparatus Alsip,Palos Heights,Blue Island,Calumet Park,Joliet just to name a few.It brings back nice memories of one of the greatest apparatus manufacturers with a long history.