This from Danny Nelms:
Photos from the last week or so at the emergency one plant in Ocala Florida. New unit is believed to be going to tower Ladder 10.
Up close photo is from Josh SlagelThe photo with people in it is from the emergency one official Facebook page from their Family Day open house.

Josh Slagel photo

E-ONE photo
#1 by Drew Smith on November 28, 2019 - 2:28 PM
One way to try and keep follow companies from parking too close.
#2 by Tim on November 28, 2019 - 8:41 AM
Mike C you must not be a fireman in the Chicago area…or maybe not be assigned to a truck if you are. Ladders inside the torque box usually have more $hit stuck to them in the winter months than do ladders stored outside. The salt, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, beet juice, etc gets kicked up under the rig and finds it’s way into the ladder compartment. Also, Rich S. is right. It is easier pulling ladders off the side than it is sliding them out of the back. Oh that’s right I can’t get those ladders out as the next due rig parked on my rear bumper. I’ve ridden Pierce, E-one, Spartan rigs and guess what….one is not far superior than the other.
#3 by Mike C on November 27, 2019 - 1:55 PM
Michael m,
Yes, the E-One torque box is incredibly strong! The torque box is welded to the frame where as Pierce bolts it to the frame. The way E-One welds the torque box to the frame has to make the frame rails crazy strong too! E-One is a far superior product than Pierce, hands down!
#4 by Michael m on November 27, 2019 - 1:15 PM
interesting information about the amount of ladders CFD ladder trucks carry. I always wondered the same thing why have ladders on the side. Instead of in the torque box. Don’t know if it is true but I have heard E-one builds the strongest torque boxes in the industry.
#5 by rich s. on November 27, 2019 - 11:44 AM
Yep, I redid the math and as I first thought using the longest ladders that we carry the math is as I said roughly those amounts. each company may have a slight difference in the compliment they carry due to the rig they are assigned (E-One, Pierce, Seagrave, Etc.) but regardless that’s why the ladders are on the side of the rig as well as ease of access.
#6 by Rj on November 27, 2019 - 11:42 AM
Recheck your math, those numbers are accurate. Note a couple of them say 40 OR 38, 30 OR 28 ,not both.
#7 by Bill C. on November 27, 2019 - 10:36 AM
I mean NO disrespect at all, but someone PLEASE recheck the numbers on the Ladder Math. I’m finding a large discrepancy in the numbers . Thanks.
#8 by rich s. on November 26, 2019 - 6:21 PM
So at one time we carried a total of around 320 ft of ground ladders consisting of the following.
A 50′ (banger), 40′ or 38′, 35′ (x2), 30′ or 28′, 20 (straight), 16′ (straight), 14′ (roof)’ 12′ (roof), 10′ (roof), 8′ (roof), 6′ (roof), 10′ (attic)
Today most rigs carry the following
A 50′ (banger), 40′ or 38′, 35′, 30′ or 28′, 20 (straight), 16(straight), 14′,12′,10′,8′ (roof), 12′ (fiberglass/CTA), 10′ (attic)
for a total of roughly 260 ft of ground ladders
#9 by Rj on November 26, 2019 - 4:34 PM
There are ladders both inside and outside. Their trucks carry too many ladders to only be kept inside and torque box.
#10 by Mike C on November 26, 2019 - 3:36 PM
Curious to know why Chicago stores the ladders on the side when they could store them in the torque box away from the elements.
#11 by rich s. on November 26, 2019 - 8:00 AM
That was because of a certain boss who didn’t like the Captain of 50 at that time and they are both gone now.
#12 by Danny on November 26, 2019 - 6:20 AM
Bill the most recent example was engine 50.. they were assigned one of the 1st e one engines in 2016 and before it got to the house it was stripped and renumbered for 125.
#13 by Big Moe on November 26, 2019 - 2:54 AM
Bill, you are absolutely correct that the CFD is getting as much new apparatus as they are. History has shown a slow pace of replacement compared to other major cities. Chicago’s dire financial situation isn’t going to be resolved anytime soon, so members should count their blessings regardless of what brand, color, model they are getting now. I’d rather have E-one than Rosenbauer or KME anyday.
#14 by Bill Post on November 25, 2019 - 10:11 PM
Danny it may be true that Truck 8 has some narrow streets within their still district, however from mid 1969 to mid 1976 they had one of Chicago’s 1960 144-foot Magirus rear mount aerial ladders with a Mack B-Model cab and chassis. They were using a real heavy duty aerial for 7 years. As far as rig dimensions go I can’t say if the new E-One is larger but so far it does seem to make sense having it there. Like you, I have also seen rigs reassigned at the last minute. When Chicago received the 135-foot Morita-Lift ladder in 1975, it was lettered for Truck 2 who at the time had the other 1960 Mack/Magirus 144-ladder. They were in a single-truck house for a long time at 540 W Washington just west of the Loop and across the street from the old Chicago and Northwestern Railroad terminal. The truck managed to drive underneath a large viaduct when going east into the Loop.
It turns out however that the Morita-Lift couldn’t make the clearance into Truck 2’s old station so it was assigned to Truck 1. It is still possible that Truck 8’s new rig can get reassigned if they have problems with it in their district however the likelihood seems small. The fact that Truck 8 is such a slow company is also an advantage in terms being available if needed for the waterway on a large fire outside of their district. As far as narrow streets go the ideal type of truck would be a tillered aerial however it doesn’t look like Chicago is going to order any.
The New York City Fire Department runs with 143 ladder companies of which 82 are straight ladders. Thirteen are tillered ladder trucks which they assign to specific companies known for having narrow streets in their districts. Chicago isn’t as particular as New York and doesn’t have the financial resources either not to mention the population and congestion. While it would be nice if Chicago had a few tillered aerials I don’t see that happening at the moment given the poor financial predicament.
We are lucky to getting any new apparatus as far as I am concerned.
#15 by rich s. on November 25, 2019 - 6:58 PM
Out of 61 truck companies truck 8 was 57 with just 940 runs, I don’t think they are worried about the new rig fitting down the streets. That’s why they picked them.
#16 by Danny on November 25, 2019 - 2:12 PM
In my life time I’ve seen rigs slated to go to a place and be changed at the last minute. Still truck 8 doesnt make much sense due to some of the narrow streets in their still District.
#17 by thefiremang on November 25, 2019 - 1:37 PM
Those steps under the doors won’t last long. Chicago puts those rigs on grass and into some weird areas. They will get ripped off in time. They sit to low. I’ve seen many rigs that those steps were damaged. Other wise the rig looks Okay. Also who cares where the rigs go. If that is where the FD puts it that’s where it will go. Everyone’s opinion is not going to change the outcome unless your a city politician
#18 by Mike C on November 25, 2019 - 11:27 AM
I like the steps going into the cab. I wonder why they don’t put these on the engines.
#19 by MABAS 21 on November 25, 2019 - 8:00 AM
Thanks Matt. Figured it was ordered already since the specs were posted here last November.
#20 by Matt on November 25, 2019 - 6:55 AM
MABAS 21 – the Evergreen Park village board approved the purchase at the last board meeting so TBD
#21 by Michael m on November 24, 2019 - 8:22 PM
Nice looking rig! Sounds like the city can really use the new rigs!
#22 by Jack on November 24, 2019 - 5:57 PM
well on union 2 founder report it did say that truck 8 will receive its new aerial in a few weeks. so we shall see
#23 by Luke Jackson on November 24, 2019 - 5:28 PM
I saw the second photo a couple of days ago and wondered when it would be on here. If you look on that same Facebook post, there is a Chicago engine in production as well. Speaking of the new AT, does anyone have any additional pictures of it? Thanks in advance.
#24 by Bill Post on November 24, 2019 - 5:06 PM
There is no question that information coming from 213 should be reliable.
#25 by rich s. on November 24, 2019 - 4:40 PM
Well when the info is from (2-1-3) it might be reliable
#26 by Danny on November 24, 2019 - 3:44 PM
Knowing what we all know of the Chicago fire dept. decisions in the past, I do not understand how anyone commenting on here can say with absolute certainty that truck 8 will get the new rig.
Remember nothing is certain till its backed into the firehouse.
#27 by rich s. on November 24, 2019 - 3:21 PM
The new AT is going to T8 not T7. The order is for 9 new E-one TL’s so all the rigs will be replaced by the end of the contract. Our spare pool is terrible as seen by the accident this morning on the south side. We have been completely out of spares (NO SPARES) so rigs just went OOS. I haven’t heard anything about the new rigs not fitting in the current TL houses, the E-Ones meet the height requirements .
#28 by Bill Post on November 24, 2019 - 2:38 PM
Larry can you explain what the led modification is that you are talking about?
I’m glad to see them getting a new tower ladder, however my reason is because until recently they were talking about putting the new 137-foot aerial tower in Truck 7’s house. Someone on this site said that it was because a new E-One tower ladder wouldn’t fit into Tower Ladder 10’s house and the aerial tower at Truck 7 would compensate for that .
I personally found that story hard to believe so I was waiting to see if there was anything to it. As things have developed it appears to have just been a rumor.
#29 by MABAS 21 on November 24, 2019 - 1:59 PM
I know that this is kind of off topic, but does anyone know when is Evergreen Park getting their new E-One engine delivered?
#30 by Larry on November 24, 2019 - 1:07 PM
Very odd that tower 10 is going to get a new rig like sure it’s old but they had a led modification earlier… and what about the other 2002 trucks? If only we had something for new trucks and engines…