This from Jim Skrabel:
Joliet had a house fire on the west side. It happened at about 1:45 this afternoon. The fire was at 1411 Broadlawn Dr. Joliet Quint 9 was first due and made a quick knock. Engine 8, Engine 10, and Battalion 2 were also there. Jim Skrabel

Jim Skrabel photo

Jim Skrabel photo

Jim Skrabel photo

Jim Skrabel photo
#1 by Scott on June 20, 2018 - 11:24 PM
Maywood Eng 505 is a reserve bought from Elgin. They have a Marion frontline at 507 (about 2yrs old) and a Darley at 506.
#2 by harry on June 20, 2018 - 9:18 PM
well to name a few
villa pk has a 98 eone engine frontline
Elmwood pk still has a 94 pierce engine frontline
Maywood still runs a 1997 spartan engine frontline
#3 by Scott on June 20, 2018 - 5:26 PM
The deck gun is when Quints followed the true “quint” concept. There where many “trucks” (but actually Quints) in Div 20 that had deck guns on them when they where purchased in the 80’s.
#4 by Michael M on June 7, 2018 - 9:55 AM
Didn’t the city purchase two new E-One engines a few years ago for Engines 8 and 9? What did the department do? Did they re-assign Engine 9 and take the truck out of service?
Glad it is a reliable piece of equipment for Joliet. I am sure may departments in the Chicago are do not have apparatus that is 20 plus years old in frontline service.
#5 by JS on June 6, 2018 - 11:10 PM
Yes, its a 1994 E-One Cyclone – this was originally Quint 8 stationed on Essington Road. In 2008, it became a reserve piece but saw relatively little use until about two years ago, at which point the decision was made to return it to front line service.
Station 9 formerly ran an engine and truck, so it was forced out of retirement due to consolidating roles and the city not having any other quints.
Old but reliable.
#6 by Mike on June 6, 2018 - 12:25 PM
Hard to believe that they are even using this as a front line company isnt this a 93 or 94 EmerOne>?
#7 by Mike on June 5, 2018 - 4:06 PM
The quint. Looks weird with the ladder up and a deck gun by the pump panel.