a few quick highlights from the 2018 Annual Chicago Fire Engine Rally & Swap Meet

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Bill Friedrich photo
Jun 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus | 6 Comments
a few quick highlights from the 2018 Annual Chicago Fire Engine Rally & Swap Meet
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: 1028 Annual Chicago Fire Engine Rally & Swap Meet, antique Chicago FD FWD tractor-drawn aerial ladder truck, Bill Friedrich, historic fire truck photos, Steve Redick
Jun 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | Comments off
Excerpts from a letter to the editor at the ChicagoTribune.com:
Your editorial criticizing Buffalo Grove Firefighter Kevin Hauber’s pension award shortchanged the subject of occupational diseases in firefighters. The pension board’s decision was based on Illinois law, and your editorial showed disregard for that law and the medical evidence behind it.
Hauber’s death to colon cancer is not an anomaly among veteran firefighters. Extensive scientific research shows compelling evidence that specific cancers — including colorectal cancers — are strongly associated with firefighting. That evidence is a result of extensive university studies as well as that of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
The editorial also neglected to recognize other critical medical factors: Hauber’s age, family, personal health history, and genetic testing showed he was not a colon cancer risk. Rather, an overriding environmental risk for the 23-year veteran firefighter was cited as evidence of increased risk to colorectal cancer.
Any attempt at empathy for his widow and children was negated by the contention that the pension vote was a misguided gesture. Indeed, it is irresponsible to ignore Illinois law while criticizing the pension board.
Illinois law governing presumptive disability states, “The type of cancer involved must be a type which may be caused by exposure to heat, radiation or a known carcinogen as defined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.” Furthermore it says that the cancer must “arise as a result of service as a firefighter.”
Hauber was exposed over 23 years to soot, asbestos and formaldehyde. The IARC identifies them as primary carcinogens associated with an increased risk of cancer.
Not every firefighter succumbs to the ravages of colon cancer, just as not all airline mechanics get sucked into jet engines. But a reasonable person takes time to read scientific evidence and why it is incorporated into state law.
— Pat Devaney, president, Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois, Springfield
thanks Dan
Tags: Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois union president Patrick Devaney, Buffalo Grove Fire Department Pension Board, Buffalo Grove Firefighter/Paramedic John Kevin Hauber, pension board grants full benefit to Firefighter's family
Jun 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 5 Comments
As seen at Pierce
Tinley Park FD Engine 47 at Pierce
Tinley Park FD Engine 47 at Pierce
Tags: new fire engine for Tinley Park FD, Tinley Park FD Engine 47, Tinley Park Fire Department
Jun 16
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia | 3 Comments
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