The North Maine FPD was sent to 9023 Terrace Place for a dryer fire Monday night just after 10PM. Upon arrival companies found a basement fire and the alarm was upgraded for the Working Fire. There was some extension to another unit in the four-unit townhouse and a MABAS Box Alarm was requested. The fire was extinguished shortly thereafter and some of the additional companies were returned.
Units at the scene included North Maine Battalion 1, Ambulance 1, and Engine 1; Des Plaines Battalion 61, Engine 61, Ambulance 61, and Tower 61; Niles Battalion 2, Engine 2, and Truck 2; Morton Grove Battalion 4 and Squad 4; Rosemont Truck 158 and Battalion 9; Mount Prospect Engine 13; Park Ridge Battalion 35; Glenview Ambulance 7 and Engine 7; and Northbrook Ambulance 10.

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