This from the Fleet Guy:
2000 Squad 1 Rigs are out to Auction

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This from the Fleet Guy:
2000 Squad 1 Rigs are out to Auction
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Fleet Guy photo
Fleet Guy photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Deaprtment, Fleet Guy, Former Chicago FD HME Central States squad for sale at auction, Former Chicago FD HME/Central States/55' Snorkel for sale at auction, old Chicago fire trucks going to auction
This entry was posted on January 27, 2018, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Danny on February 2, 2018 - 12:39 AM
Couldn’t find that photo Jason but here’s an album from between the first mock up to the current mock up to make it look like the luverne as seen on the newest episodes
And here is the link to the for sale pic listed on this site
#2 by Danny on February 2, 2018 - 12:19 AM
And also the Evanston rig was on here in a post of local apparatus for sale
#3 by Danny on February 2, 2018 - 12:19 AM
Someone sent out pics of it in the old paint scheme from the yard where they keep the show vehicles… I’ll see if I can find it it was on facebook
#4 by Jason on January 31, 2018 - 2:02 PM
How do you know that the engine is from Evanston? I never seen anything on the thread?
#5 by danny on January 31, 2018 - 12:47 PM
my mistake harry but still the same result its now on chicago PD
#6 by harry on January 30, 2018 - 1:33 PM
the old ohare command was an international
#7 by danny on January 29, 2018 - 11:50 PM
jason and michael m
that was the old 5-1-1 shops id G-492
the new engine 51 on the show was an old evanston IL pierce arrow engine and instead of borrowing spares for filming they bought their own old rig and painted it up to CFD colors and made it look like the luverne for continuity reasons…. also they bought the old freightliner ldv command van from o hare at auction and on Chicago PD it pops up as a mobile command post
#8 by Jason on January 29, 2018 - 2:59 PM
I don’t know the brand of the engine but I know it is not an authentic Chicago engine. I’m sure it’s a real brand but IMO it looks fake.
#9 by Michael M on January 29, 2018 - 12:53 PM
This might be off subject, but the engine that Chicago Fire is using is a old Pierce Arrow. On this past Thursday episode, there was Haz-Mat call, anyone know if that was the 88 Haz Mat unit that showed up.
#10 by Jim on January 29, 2018 - 10:24 AM
Although they are parked at the auction lot, I have yet to see them on the auction site, maybe in the next few days they will appear…
#11 by Jason on January 28, 2018 - 5:41 PM
I know about them buying E269 but I would put money on it that they don’t buy these squads. I think that the only reason they bought it is because that is the truck they were already using. I don’t think they care about realism because they would buy new trucks to match current fleet. Also, I don’t think they care about realism either because they just recently switched from using a Chicago engine to a fake engine.
#12 by danny on January 28, 2018 - 3:50 PM
Jason… Chicago fire bought one of the old seagrave ladders when it went to auction we recently found out…. it was one already lettered for truck 81 and when you google the username of the purchaser from the surplus city auction page an IMDb page came up and at the time of purchase she was a transportation coordinator for Chicago fire…
also it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for dick wolf productions to buys one or both trucks for the show sine after CFD parked squad 1 and said it was too damaged to be in front line or spare service they let Chicago fire use it on tv as squad 6
if they bought both 1 and 1a they could maybe stop borrowing the snorkel for background shots at larger fires on TV from evergreen park as well
Michael m yes they bought the old Antioch rescue and have been using it since season 3 as you probably know as well prior to that the old hazmat Salisbury rig was season 1 and then in season 2 they used both the old hazmat and the old squad 1 1996 Salisbury as well. when using the old hazmat in season 1 there was a small convo on screen between the chief and a friend of his who was a suburban firefighter and he indicated in 2011 that that rig was 13 years old and they city wouldn’t get them a new rig which i thought was kinda funny as that rig was a 1989 or 1990 model and was 20 to 22 years old at the time
#13 by Michael M on January 28, 2018 - 12:23 PM
I wonder if they will auction off the 96 squad as well. If what everyone is saying is true, it sounds like the old Squad 2 and 2a are going to be the only reliable reserve squads.
#14 by Michael M on January 28, 2018 - 12:21 PM
What rig does the show currently use? I thought they purchased an old squad from Antioch.
#15 by Daniel Hynd on January 28, 2018 - 11:12 AM
Jason, I agree with you. I don’t think it will ever happen and it would be quite an investment to get them up and running but one can only hope.
#16 by Jason on January 28, 2018 - 10:45 AM
It’s quite obvious that NBC will not be purchasing these units. These rigs are beat up too much, with the box roting of Squad 1. Also, the snorkel wouldn’t fit in the show because they would have to pay to man it and it wouldn’t make sense because they have always ran a 1 piece squad.
#17 by Aidan Hughes on January 28, 2018 - 12:14 AM
That would be a great idea for NBC to use those rigs for Chicago Fire. Those HME Squads were abused over the last few years of their career especially Squad 1 and Squad 5. Downtown, Englewood, Edgewater and other neighborhoods like that are very diverse response areas in the city, so they responded to a lot of calls. But still All the new Squads look great!
#18 by Bill Post on January 27, 2018 - 10:56 PM
Yes Daniel it would be good if NBC were to buy both former Squads 1 and !A to use on the television show Chicago Fire.
#19 by Daniel Hynd on January 27, 2018 - 3:07 PM
Hey, maybe NBC will buy them and use them for Chicago Fire so it would actually be somewhat realistic.
#20 by danny on January 27, 2018 - 12:13 PM
surprising 1a went… 5a was the worst of the bunch they were saying
#21 by Austin on January 27, 2018 - 10:46 AM
Who would want to buy the squad and snorkel? These were so heavily used, I can’t imagine they are in the best of shape anymore. Also wasn’t there a squad that had the body coming off the frame? I thought I saw that some where.
#22 by Michael m on January 27, 2018 - 9:29 AM
Which of the 2000 squad rigs will they be using as reserves? Will they use squad 2 and squad 5 rigs as spares? My guess is they wil also scrap the 88 snorkel as well. I know they have had major issues with Squad 1 I am not surprised they are getting rid of that pair of rigs.