This from Eric Haak:
For this week I thought I would offer a bunch of Snorkel images and one Autocar. Image 1 is from a 2-11 at 4440 W. Madison on September 23, 1959. The building to the right is still there but the rest of it is all gone. Image 2 shows an Autocar working at a 2-11 at 4615 S. Wells on October 5, 1959. This was during the pre-Dan Ryan days and Wentworth Avenue can be seen in the background. Image 3 is interesting because this fire was just outside of Engine 48’s quarters at 3950 S Dearborn. It was a 5-11 on October 11, 1959. For those who are familiar with Engine 16’s old house on Dearborn (same house), you can see the bottom of the railroad bridge at the top of the image, so this was literally right outside of 48’s apron. Image 4 is from a 3-11 at 4314 S Cottage Grove on February 8, 1961 showing Snorkels 1 and 2 working together. Image 5 again shows Snorkels 2 and 3 working together at a 4-11 bowling alley fire on March 27, 1961. The address was 3818 W 26th St. Finally there is an image of a 4-11 from August 17, 1967. This building was on the northeast corner of Wentworth and Cullerton and was the International Heater Company supply warehouse. Happy Thanksgiving to all!”

2-11 Alarm fire at 4440 W. Madison in Chicago on September 23, 1959. Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

An Autocar engine working at a 2-11 Alarm fire at 4615 S. Wells on October 5, 1959 in Chicago. Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

A 5-11 Alarm fire on October 11, 1959 at 3950 S Dearborn Street in Chicago. Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

A 3-11 Alarm fire at 4314 S Cottage Grove on February 8, 1961 in Chicago. Eric Haak photo, photographer unknown

Vintage photo of Chicago FD Snorkels 2 and 3 working together at a 4-11 Alarm fire at a bowling alley on March 27, 1961. The address was 3818 W 26th St. Eric Haak collection , photographer unknown

A 4-11 Alarm fire on August 17, 1967 at the northeast corner of Wentworth and Cullerton at the International Heater Company supply warehouse. Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown
#1 by mike mc on November 28, 2017 - 7:17 PM
Thanks for the historical background Bill. As you noted before, only a handful of firehouses were capable of storing a snorkel and they were very limited as to locations. Must have been a very tight fit at Engine 112.
#2 by Bill Post on November 26, 2017 - 4:43 PM
Eric thanks for sharing those shots from 1959 of the Snorkels.
I want to point out that in 1959 the Chicago Fire Department only had three Snorkels in service and no Snorkel Squads. Snorkel 1 was south with Engine 50, first on Wentworth north of 47th Street and then at 5000 S Union, a former Chicago Fire Insurance Patrol station.
Snorkel 2 was the central Snorkel with Engine 5 at 324 S Desplaines, and Snorkel 3 was at Engine 35 and Truck 28’s old quarters on Damen north of North Avenue. As a rule one Snorkel would be dispatched on a Still and Box, a second on a 2-11, and the third on a 3-11 if needed.
During 1961 Snorkels 4 though 6 went in service and Snorkel 7 in early 1962. When the four additional Snorkels were put in service, Snorkel 4 went to Engine 25’s new quarters, the current Survive Alive educational building at the fire academy. Snorkel 1 was relocated to Engine 109 at 2358 S Whipple, and Snorkel 3 took Snorkel 1’s old place with Engine 50. Snorkel 5 was with Engine 35 while Snorkel 6 was at Engine 46’s current quarters.
During January of 1962, Snorkel 7 was assigned to Engine 112’s old house at Byron and Hermitage. In March 1962 Snorkel 3 moved in with Engine 84 at 5721 S Halsted. This was about a mile south of Engine 50’s quarters where they exchanged places with Light Wagon 3. The intention at the time was to have a Snorkel in each of the seven divisions. Engine 84 was in Division 7 and Engine 50 was in the 4th Division. After Snorkel 3 was relocated to Engine 84’s house, the 4th Division didn’t have a Snorkel until October 28, 1964 when Snorkel 2 was relocated to Engine 28’s new house at 2528 S. Throop St. From May 1,5 1961 when Snorkel 4 went in service, both Snorkel 2 and Snorkel 4 were in the 1st Division located slightly less then a mile apart.