This from Eric Haak:

Here are a few images from Thursday, April 26, 1962. The fire was a 5-11 +1 special at 2710 S. Throop St. The building was owned by the National Plywood Company and sat on the eventual path of the Stevenson Expressway. During the early 1960’s, there were several large arson fires in buildings that were scheduled to be demolished to make way for the Dan Ryan and Stevenson. I don’t know if this was the result of arson but the expressway would be built very soon after. Also, it is interesting to note that this was literally a block south of Engine 28’s current house which would be constructed a year or so later. Still time is recorded as being 1:36 in the afternoon.

Vintage 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 4/26/62

Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

Vintage 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 4/26/62

Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

Vintage 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 4/26/62

Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown

Vintage 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 4/26/62

Eric Haak collection, photographer unknown