This from Josh Boyajian:
Here are a few pictures of 2 demos we have had at Stickney. Pierce brought the Ascendant and their RM tower ladder. E-One brought the Metro, CR 100’, and 100’ RM tower. And Rosenbauer brought by their Cobra 101’ RM platform.
#1 by Drew Smith on October 10, 2017 - 9:32 PM
Eric H-
Thanks you for getting my point. It’s the width of the spread, not the configuration of the jacks (H or A). If you only have 12 feet your jacks must set, full or short, in that space. Every model of every manufacturer has different jack spread. Some H-type can’t be short jacked.
I have no way or desire to contest your statements regarding your community or those of which you profess knowledge. Equally, I have no desire to challenge your self-proclaimed level of experience; it serves no function to me here or elsewhere. However, your statement regarding streets in our area (“They are not like your area..”) is far from accurate. To be accurate, we are faced with a variety of street widths from one-lane roads without an improved shoulder or curb to typical suburban streets. We are also faced with a number of multi-family complexes built under Cook County codes. These large, meandering lots are a challenge for ONE automobile to navigate let alone fire apparatus. I am extremely proud of our members and their knowledge, skill, and ability to do so. Additionally, I am confused how you can even profess any knowledge of our department in which to compare and contrast operations since your statements in your original post inaccurately described the environment in which we operate. Finally, as a student of the fire service who is always interested in learning more it would be my pleasure to meet with you at your convenience and learn about how your department operates.
#2 by Brian Kazmierzak on October 10, 2017 - 9:05 PM
Usually people that have to tell you how busy they are and their rank are more concerned with their ego than the mission! IMHO…
I don’t see the Chicago guys on here telling you how busy they are or complaining about colors of lights on rigs!
#3 by thefiremang on October 10, 2017 - 9:24 AM
Eric Glad you got the point that what separates the apples from the oranges.
#4 by Martin on October 9, 2017 - 11:01 PM
Glad to see you guys are looking at getting a new truck. How did the Rosenbauer do?
#5 by Erik H on October 9, 2017 - 10:49 PM
Easy Captain Dick. I took Drew’s comment as just trying to be informative, not derogatory towards picking H style out riggers. Also you don’t have to say how much experience you have in your busy area. The fact that you put your rank in your title says it all.
#6 by Josh Boyajian on October 9, 2017 - 2:10 PM
Drew, when we had E-One out here with their CR100, Metro100 Quint, and RM tower ladder, we were not able to deploy the X style jacks with cars on both sides. Pierce brought out their Ascendant and RM tower. With the Ascendant, we were able to short jack the one outrigger and deploy the main ladder. As with the Pierce TL, we were able to straddle a car with both outriggers out on the working side with the non working side short jacked.
#7 by thefiremang on October 9, 2017 - 1:35 PM
Drew this is a west suburb that has many streets like the City of Chicago and in their MABAS Div 11 response area. They are not like your area with wide streets and no parking on the streets. 1 set of outriggers is much better than 2 sets because positioning is the key here. It’s easier to move the rig forward and get the working side outrigger out and then short jack the other side out. 2 sets of outriggers with cars in the way and then snow and cars parked 2 ft from the curb probably wont be able to set up. Why does the City of Chicago use only 1 set of H outriggers on their rear mount aerials. It works and is much easier. Its very difficult to compare a much slower and bigger street footprint in your area compared to a busy fire area that borders the west side of Chicago and mimics Chicago streets. I don’t now how many different aerial manufacturer’s trucks you’ve worked on, I have worked on many different makes and styles and with a lot of fire experience and truck work. 1 set of outriggers performs very well. If they didn’t work then probably the aerial companies would make all rigs with 2 sets. Far suburban mentality would not cut it out here. We are 2 different styles of departments. Very busy and alot more hands on and experience, especially when it comes to truck work and operations.
#8 by Drew Smith on October 8, 2017 - 5:01 PM
I failed to mention those measures are for straight ladders. Platforms will generally have a wider spread.
#9 by Drew Smith on October 8, 2017 - 5:00 PM
Make sure in your “we need to short jack” argument that you compare apples-to-apples with jack spread. While the E-Ones have the crisscross or “A” type outriggers that cannot short jack, not all “H” types can short jack either. Also, E-One “A” types vary from an 11-ft spread on the Metro 100 and HM100 to 13’-8” on the CR100. Pierce Ascendants vary from 16 foot spread on the dual rear axle to 18 foot spread on the single rear axle. If an “H” can be short jacked and it reduces the spread is the “A” spread still greater or lesser? For example, a short-jacked 18-foot “H” is now about a 13 foot spread while a short-jacked 16-foot “H” is now about a 12-foot spread. Compare those to “A” spreads. Make sure you know. Don’t get sold a bill of goods by anyone – salesperson or committee member.
#10 by Josh Boyajian on October 7, 2017 - 6:41 PM
Rusty I agree with you, but We need to be able to Short Jack. Pierce let’s us do that unlike E-One. Especially with the ascendant, we only have to worrry about 1 our rigger.
#11 by Rusty on October 7, 2017 - 5:47 PM
Josh, wouldn’t that be opposite the Pierce jack spread is huge! I though E-One’s X style jacks are great for tight spots. I thought thats why Boston and Chicago like them?
#12 by Josh Boyajian on October 7, 2017 - 4:12 PM
We aren’t sure if we’re leaning to a tower or just stay with a Rear Mount stick. The E-One Jack spread does not work for us due to the tight side streets so I think we’d be leaning towards Pierce. Time will tell
#13 by Michael M on October 7, 2017 - 9:17 AM
Nice looking rigs, any idea which company they are leaning towards?
#14 by harry on October 6, 2017 - 11:07 PM
wow Carbondale il that is a long haul
#15 by Crabby Milton on October 6, 2017 - 7:56 PM
Nice looking rigs and I like that skyline picture. Clear view of the WILLIS TOWER.