More on the 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-15-17 from Steve Redick:
Took in an interesting job saturday morning. This fire resulted from a gas explosion, and sadly there were injuries, some severe. The location is about as far away from my quarters within the city limits as possible. I am 6400 North and 7200 West, this fire was 9700 South and 3500 East. I had to pay a toll and get my passport stamped twice on my way there! The fire was pretty much in check when I arrived with a defensive operation taking place. Shortly thereafter it was decided to let the roof burn off the compromised portion of the building and this resulted in some tremendous images. In addition, I was able to get images of companies I seldom if ever see. The cherry on top was FINALLY getting to see one of the new Rosenbauer “snorkels” in operation after months of near misses. The weather and lighting were as perfect as you could ever ask for and helped yield some memorable images.

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo