This from Steve Redick:
One of the things I inherited from my dad was his massive scrapbook of fire clippings which he had worked in from the 1940s onward. It is an amazing collection, but unfortunately a good portion has been damaged in storage. This stuff needs to be shared, so that is my intention. These first pages are from a tremendous extra alarm at the Steinburg Baum warehouse, 1705 N Throop Street, September 30, 1965. They mention several fireboats used but there are no photos in the articles.Steve

An extra alarm fire in Chicago at the Steinburg Baum warehouse, 1705 N Throop Street, September 30, 1965. Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection
#1 by Mike Kovac on January 2, 2016 - 3:56 PM
I remember watching this fire from the heliport on top of the Fire Academy. I was a Candidate in training at that time. We all wished we were at the fire, but knew we would see many more in our upcoming careers. Brings back many memories from that era.
#2 by john on January 2, 2016 - 9:29 AM
This must be the property where Fleet is located now.
#3 by David on January 2, 2016 - 7:21 AM
Steve, thanks for taking your time and digitalizing these old articles, lots of major incidents which most people would probably hardly recall today. I guess this stuff would quite easily make for another “Forgotten fires of Chicago” book.