More historic clippings from the Warren Redick collection: 5-11 alarm at Gotham Industries, 540 Orleans, February 9, 1965

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection

Warren Redick collection
#1 by Eric Haak on January 6, 2016 - 4:47 PM
You are right David, that was Throop and Harrison.
#2 by David on January 6, 2016 - 8:52 AM
I think I know what you’re reffering to, wasn’t the car a white Caddy or something similar, I think that video was from a 1967 fire at Throop & Harrison but could be mistaken, was also a 5-11 + some specials.
#3 by spoung45 on January 6, 2016 - 8:31 AM
i think i saw a video of this on you tube from one of the ChicagoFD accounts. one thing I remember is a firefights and moving a civilian car from the front of the building. don’t know if he had the keys or hot wired it.
#4 by David on January 6, 2016 - 7:57 AM
This must have been quite a picnic, quite a shame there ain’t some more photos from this fire, even the newspaper pics look really spectacular.