This from Steve Redick:
Had a great opportunity for a good tour of the Fire Museum of Greater Chicago yesterday. It is the former quarters of Eng 123. They have an operating exhibit that showcases the old fire alarm office dispatching system as it was for many years … telegraph signals and all. I recorded the entire demo and have included a link to the youtube video. It is well worth a look. Afterwards they fired up old Engine 10’s Ahrens Fox and took it for a spin. I shot some images of that as well. The driving force in developing the joker stand demo was Ken Falk and Wally Mitchell, as well as many other dedicated members of the museum crew. We owe them a great deal for preserving these memories for generations to come. This place is a must see for anyone in the Chicago area.Steve
#1 by tom sullivan on May 22, 2015 - 8:51 AM
the museum was a long time dream, and now a work in progress. it has taken a tremendous amount of dedication, time, energy, (and donations) to get to its’ present state.
many people have put their heart & soul into it. for anyone who loves the fire service, it is well worth the trip. the joker stand “experience” alone is amazing ! it is really going “back in the day” ( e-33 !) !
#2 by Westside on May 21, 2015 - 11:20 AM
Chief O’Donnell at the wheel! looking Good Boss!
#3 by Crabby Milton on May 21, 2015 - 7:34 AM
That’s neat. We have one here in Milwaukee on 16th and Oklhoma the former station of engine 23. They built a new station a few blocks west in the early ’00’s or late 90’s. There is just something about an older fire station and the atmosphere and history you can feel. I know alot of you guys use the term house and I respect that. I just use the term that I hear on the scanner all the time.