This from Eric Haak:
Here are a few more images of the 5-11+ that Steve Redick posted earlier this week. The last image appears to be from a day or so later or during a re-kindle. With these images, you can tell the companies on scene by the map Steve provided. Photographer is unknown and they are from my personal collection.
#1 by Eric Haak on May 6, 2015 - 6:03 PM
Just to clarify, these images are from the 5-11 +1 on April 7, 1971. The address was 1531 S. Michigan.
#2 by PJ on May 6, 2015 - 3:51 PM
Picture shows Chief Fire Marshal Curtis Volkamer and Harold Prohask who at that time was either the 1st Division Marshal or a Second Deputy Chief Fire Marshal.