This from Josh Boyajian:
McCook had a fire Friday (3/27/15) in a restaurant at 9507 Joliet Rd. It seemed as they had some fire in the walls that started in the kitchen. I attached some photos I took of some roof work in the back of the building. Companies working were, McCook’s squad, Forest View’s engine, Brookfield’s truck, a Pleasantview quint, and Riverside’s truck.

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo
#1 by Jerry on March 30, 2015 - 12:08 AM
With Pleasantview purchasing their latest (gorgeous) truck, 1519, in 2012 and recently bringing their reserve engine, 1551, up to a front line engine, 1521, I don’t believe they will be ordering for a little bit. I may be wrong, but I believe they’re in pretty good shape right now with their current front line fleet. I believe station 1’s ambulance, 1514, has been refurbished and painted to match the new paint scheme. I know both the Chief and Deputy just recently got new tahoes. The only thing that could be up for purchase would be a new Battalion Chief’s buggy. I believe their current buggy is 5-8 years old.
#2 by Tom Foley on March 28, 2015 - 5:54 PM
If age is an indicator, Brookfield could be considering new apparatus.
Truck 419: 2001 – 14 years old
Engine 411: 1991 – 24 years
Engine 412: 1986 – 29 year
Engine 421: 2007 – 8 years
The average age is 18 years for the fire suppression equipment. The truck doesn’t have a pump nor water storage neither.
#3 by Rob on March 28, 2015 - 4:04 PM
Does anyone know if Pleasantciew is ordering any apperatus this year?
#4 by fd guy on March 28, 2015 - 1:41 PM
Pleasantview 1534 was staged outside the fire station
#5 by Tom Foley on March 28, 2015 - 12:10 PM
Was starting to look like a repeat of the Brookfield fire in the last week or two. Both trucks from Brookfield and Pleasantview working…
Is the Pleasantview ambo actually staged in the driveway of its house? If so, that’s classic!
#6 by MABAS 21 on March 28, 2015 - 8:35 AM
How ironic being literally next door to Pleasantview Station #3.