Archive for December 28th, 2014

Chicago working fire, 12-28-14 (more)

This from Josh Boyajian:
Took in this fire at 8001 s Morgan this afternoon. Heavy fire in rear of house. 2 lines on it with 2 mains to roof.
smoke from house on fire

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

firemen vent roof in smoke

Josh Boyajian photo

flames shooting from window

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

smoke from house on fire

Josh Boyajian photo

This from Drew Gresik:

Here’s my shots from Morgan St today. The rest are on my site

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Drew Greslk photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Drew Greslk photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Drew Greslk photo

smoke from house on fire

Drew Greslk photo

smoke from house on fire

Drew Greslk photo

smoke from house on fire

Drew Greslk photo

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Chicago working fire, 12-28-14

Tim Olk submitted these images from a fire today at 8001 S. Morgan

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

smoke from house on fire

Tim Olk photo

firemen vent roof in smoke

Tim Olk photo

flames shooting from window

Tim Olk photo

smoke from house on fire

Tim Olk photo

firemen vent roof in smoke

Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

firemen after fighting a fire

Tim Olk photo

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