Updated images from Josh Boyajian and Drew Gresik of Berwyn FD apparatus:

Berwyn Quint 901 – 2012 Pierce Velocity PUC 1500/300/100′ RM Quint. Josh Boyajian photo

Berwyn Engine Co. 902 – 1999 Pierce Saber
1250/500 Top-Mount
(x-E903). Drew Gresik photo

Berwyn Reserve Engine 911 – 1992 Seagrave 1250/500 (x-E93, 903, 902). Josh Boyajian photo

Berwyn Staff Car 917
2005 Chevy Impala. Josh Boyajian photo
#1 by DMc77 on October 5, 2014 - 9:01 PM
I think the fly section on 9Q1 is about as thin as you can make it these days…..