This from Martin Nowak:
Elk Grove Township Engine 310, a 1981 Mack MC started its life as a Bridgeview Fire Department Engine 405 out of Station 2. Here’s a story a firefighter told me at my recent visit to the fire house. It was either 1993 to 1995 when a generator on top of Engine 405 started leaking as so this leak reached some batteries below. This caused sparks and so the whole fire truck engulfed in flames is sitting in the bay with firefighters sleeping. They wake up to someone pounding on the door. A police officer is standing at the door and says your fire truck is on fire. Here’s where the purchase of a new engine comes in. The department was looking for a truck and stumbled across what is currently 1993 Pierce Dash as Engine 425 (Picture taken by me recently). This truck was a Pierce demo with the specs the department liked or best fit them. Elk Grove Township purchased the burned up engine and had it repaired. Changes can be seen between the old photo (thanks to Bill Friedrich for allowing me me to use it) to the current picture on the site.

Bridgeview Engine 405. Bill Friedrich photo

Elk Grove Township FPD 1981 Mack engine with a 1,250-GPM pump, 1,100 gallons of water and 300 gallons of foam. Larry Shapiro photo

Martin Nowak photo
Also, Kevin G found this link to X-Bridgeview Ambulance 406 that is being offered for sale

Penske photo
#1 by Martin Nowak on January 21, 2013 - 9:21 PM
Dave, thanks for giving the exact year.
#2 by Dave Bloom on January 21, 2013 - 8:37 PM
That engine caught fire in 1993. I was a contract ff/pm at North Palos, but a different shift was on duty that night.