More images from the confined space rescue in Wheeling 11-29-12. Previous posts are HERE and HERE.

Decon 1 arrives at the scene and is backed into position . Larry Shapiro photo

Decon 1 from Arlington Heights. Tim Olk photo

Firefighters setup the decon area. Larry Shapiro photo

Additional members of the technical rescue team arrive. Tim Olk photo

Schaumburg Squad 55 and 55A arrive at the scene. Larry Shapiro photo

The contractor’s truck. Larry Shapiro photo

A firefighter examines the what might be used as the anchor point for the recovery ropes. Larry Shapiro photo

Members of the technical rescue team suit up for the recovery. Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Scott on December 2, 2012 - 3:54 PM
This was a recovery before Wheeling FD ever arrived on scene. Know your facts and stop bitching about what you have NO knowledge of. Maybe in your opinoin it went too long for a “simple” recovery. Were you there? Are you even on a special team? Bottom line, no other victims and or injuries.
#2 by Nick N on December 1, 2012 - 1:17 AM
Oh here we go with this garbage again… Come on man…. If you were a “Good Firefighter”, you would know criticizing other departments with no suggestions of your own is a stupid idea… As FFPM571 said, from what I heard, the victim was almost certainly DOA on arrival. Does the “Good Firefighter” really risk killing off or injuring his crew on a recovery op????? If so, i’m not working for you ever…. At the same time though, I would absolutely love to hear which department you are comparing all of the suburban departments to. Apparently, they never ever make any mistakes, which is truly unprecedented, and not just in the fire service…
#3 by FFPM571 on November 30, 2012 - 8:56 PM
“Good Firefighter” or should I saw wannabe firefighter…It was obvious that it was a recovery from the time the first units got on the scene. Why risk firefighter’s lives for an obvious hopeless situation. Maybe you can just hop down the hole holding your breath like they do on TV? Is that your idea of a better job? Don’t try to start the City vs. Suburbs fight.. I’ve seen the CFD do some less than stellar rescues…but thats OK they are the real firemen..Right?
#4 by Dennis on November 30, 2012 - 3:57 PM
@Good Firefighter…Where you there?
#5 by Martin on November 30, 2012 - 3:45 PM
Are we 100% sure they could have done better?
#6 by Good Firefighter on November 30, 2012 - 3:12 PM
they coulda done a lot better job with this…..sad to say this is pretty typical of suburban “fire departments”