There were four area units on display this year in the FDIC Exhibits. New engines for Carol Stream, Fermilab, and Northlake were shown in separate booths and the MABAS 10 MVU was also in the exhibit hall.

A new engine for Carol Stream was shown in the Alexis booth. Larry Shapiro photo

Looking strikingly similar to a CFD engine, Carol Stream Engine 29 is on a Spartan chassis. Larry Shapiro photo

Fermilab Engine 702 was in the UST Fire Apparatus booth (formerly US Tank, previously US Tanker). Larry Shapiro photo

A view of the rear chevron on Engine 702. Larry Shapiro photo

The officer's side of Fermilab Engine 702 with painted roll-up doors. Larry Shapiro Photo

In the Marion booth a new engine for Northlake on a Spartan Metro Star chassis with the Evolution Series trim was on display. Larry Shapiro photo

The driver's side of Northlake Engine 806. Larry Shapiro photo

The MABAS Division 10 MVU Mobile Ventilation Unit, housed in Lyons was also on display at the show. Larry Shapiro photo

The exhibits were in two separate building; the convention center and the sports arena. All but a select few fire apparatus manufacturers moved into the convention center as seen in this image of the sports arena. Larry Shapiro photo

This image of the sports arena from FDIC 2011 shows more fire apparatus in this venue. Larry Shapiro photo

In 2010, construction on the new convention center had not been completed, and there were many more fire trucks on display in the sports arena. Larry Shapiro photo
A bit of “retro” in the Pierce booth.
Most have probably seen the newest Pierce cab and chassis that was unveiled last year – the Dash CF. It featured a grille that matched the Velocity, the Impel, and the Arrow XT.

The Pierce Dash CF with a grille that matches the Velocity, Impel, and the Arrow XT. Larry Shapiro photo
As it turns out, the engine sits in the back of the cab and the grille is for aesthetics only. This year, Pierce displayed a 105′ rear-mount, PUC, quint on the Dash CF chassis without a grille. If one looks beyond the one-piece windshield and the cab-tilt cutouts, the unit has the appearance of an early Pierce Arrow or a Javelin.

A 105' aerial mounted on a Dash CF chassis without the grille. The cab face has the appearance of an early Pierce Arrow and the short lived Javelin. Larry Shapiro phoo
#1 by ffpm571 on June 9, 2013 - 11:21 PM
Hoff has nothing to do with why Carol Stream looks like Chicago. Rick Kolomay is the Chief and when he took over a few years ago he started to make it the Chicago wanabees..
#2 by RJA on June 9, 2013 - 6:27 AM
Yeah, you can definatley tell Hoff’s at Carol Stream!!! LOL!!! God bless him andf lucky them! Best Commisioner ever!!!!!
#3 by Drew Smith on April 23, 2012 - 6:17 PM
Stainless may last longer but it weighs significantly more thereby reducing available payload unless a larger axle setup is spec’d. This then adds additional cost. Also, when we purchased a rig 11 years ago Alan Saulsbury of Saulsbury Fire Apparatus told me that to change the manufacturing process from stainless to aluminimum had costs too. We have used aluminium for 20 years and had minimal issues. How well your body builder preps for paint, paints, then services you is key.
#4 by Martin on April 23, 2012 - 12:47 PM
SEBASTIAN, I put info on here about Spartan changing Crimsons name.
#5 by John C. on April 22, 2012 - 9:33 PM
They’re just changing the name….they’ve always been owned by Spartan….nothing in the manufacturing process is changing….it’s just a name.
#6 by Johnny B Good on April 22, 2012 - 7:49 PM
I appreciate Will-Burt showing a Pierce Dash that was just a few years old and how it was oxidizing really bad around a door handle. Paint was chipped off. People say aluminum doesn’t rust and they would “technically” be correct. But it oxidized which is known as “white rust” and it put a scar on them. Stainless steel is the only way to go when purchasing a truck to last a long time. 4 Guys Inc. from Meyersdale, PA had an interesting and extremely well built rig in their booth at FDIC and a 30 year body warranty….wow….
#7 by J. C. on April 22, 2012 - 7:32 PM
Crimson still exists they have been renamed Spartan ERV
#8 by Drew Smith on April 22, 2012 - 7:12 PM
Crimson isn’t out of business they just changed their names. Read an earlier blog on this fine website.
#9 by Sebastian on April 22, 2012 - 1:13 PM
yea about crimson!!!! They no longer exist!!!!
#10 by Scott on April 22, 2012 - 9:52 AM
In regards to Pierce engines in CFD, keep imagining … unless Pierce prices have changed drastically to compare to Crimson (or others) it’ll be a fan’s dream. CHGO FD has been running with Crimsons (formerly Luverne) for over 16yrs; for the most part they are working out great.
#11 by Sebastian on April 22, 2012 - 9:45 AM
First!! Marion has been making some sweet rigs lately!!! Second don’t see CFD getting pierce rigs anytime soon!!!
#12 by David on April 22, 2012 - 7:53 AM
The Pierce Dash without the grille looks really good. I could imagine something like that being put into service with the CFD.
#13 by T,hughes on April 22, 2012 - 3:39 AM
i was at fdic it was awsome my favorite rig was def the pierce dash cf it was awsome and yes warrenville had a ambulance there in the dodge area acoss from pierce. very nice rig. but all the chicago area rigs were awsome and the whole thing in general was awsome
#14 by Matt on April 21, 2012 - 11:46 PM
Mike, they have Hoff because he is good friends with the chief. Personally I am a fan of their new color scheme
#15 by Mike on April 21, 2012 - 8:05 PM
Does Chicago know that Carol Stream has one of their rigs? It’s bad enough you got their commissioner, now you copied their rigs. There is nothing wrong with being original. The real engine 29 is at 35th and Lowe.
#16 by bill on April 21, 2012 - 4:54 PM
The raised roof is better, my opinion. Sad they didnt go with the raised roof. An option/design, that is geared for the firefighter sitting in the rear.
#17 by Dan on April 21, 2012 - 3:53 PM
Not a huge fan of Carol Stream’s new scheme, but it’s nice to see a Spartan cab with a flat roof. Seems like there haven’t been a whole lot of flat roof cabs being made recently.
#18 by josh b on April 21, 2012 - 12:56 PM
Warrenville had a new ambulance there also in the dodge ram section in the stadium. It was numbered for medic 110