Third article about the 4-11 Alarm fire on Saturday at 2444 W. 21st Place in Chicago.
Images from Steve Redick who arrived on the scene very early into the incident. Previous posts are HERE and HERE.

Massive fire blows out all windows in Sector 1. Steve Redick photo

Another image showing the intense fire that overtook the building. Steve Redick photo

Heavy fire burns through a loading dock in the alley behind the building. Steve Redick photo

Heavy fire seen throughout the building and through the roof from Sector 3 prior to companies operating on that side. Steve Redick photo

An officer directs companies into the gravel lot off Cullerton Street in Sector 3. Steve Redick photo

Heavy fire burns throughout the building as Squad 1A takes position in Sector 3. Steve Redick photo

A large diameter supply line is stretched to supply a master stream in Sector 3. Steve Redick photo

Squad 1 positions their Snorkel. Steve Redick photo

Firefighters elevate the basket of Tower Ladder 54 as they prepare to put the master stream to work. Steve Redick photo

As Tower Ladder 54 is readied for a master stream, Truck 7 sits on the corner before being moved to allow Tower Ladder 10 to setup. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Engine 26 secures a hydrant on 21st Street at Western Avenue. Steve Redick photo

The thick smoke and heavy fire seems to turn day into night along 21st Street. Steve Redick photo

Fire blows out of two sides of the three-story warehouse building. Steve Redick photo

Truck 32 was rigged for aerial pipe operations but a decision was made instead to special call two additional tower ladders to the scene. Steve Redick photo

A pair of Battalion buggies which will have to be repositioned as the fire spreads rapidly throughout the almost block-long building. Steve Redick photo

Tower Ladder 54 goes to work at the corner of Western Avenue and 21st Street. Steve Redick photo
More of Steve’s images can be found HERE.