This from chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to Engine 112s quarters
Home to Engine 112, Tower 21 (truck 36 was there on a change), Ambo 61 (not there), Pfc 4-5-2 (not there), and Cv 2-7-2Battalion 7 was just visiting
This from chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to Engine 112s quarters
Home to Engine 112, Tower 21 (truck 36 was there on a change), Ambo 61 (not there), Pfc 4-5-2 (not there), and Cv 2-7-2Battalion 7 was just visiting
Chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram
Tags: Chicago FD Comm Van 272, Chicago FD Command Van 2-7-2, Chicago FD spare apparatus, Chicago FD spare engine in quarters, Chicago FD spare truck in quarters, Chicago Fire Department, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, fire engine at fire station
Apr 29
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
Saturday (4/27/29) at 44th & Vincennes. It looked to me like the fire was on 2 floors in a concealed space. Not much to see but a few decent images of a typical operation. All of the trucks seemed to be in spares.Steve
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 45, Chicago FD spare apparatus, Chicago Fire Department, fire scene photos, Steve Redick
Jan 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | 7 Comments
This from Danny Nelms:
old rigs still in the cfd spare fleet, photos by ryan smith
saw theses on facebook still in the spare fleet
Chicago FD spare E242. Ryan Smith photo
Chicago FD spare E245. Ryan Smith photo
Tags: Chicago FD spare apparatus, Chicago Fire Department, Danny Nelms, fire truck photos, Hendrickson E-ONE fire trucks in Chicago, pictures of fire trucks
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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