The second of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 6417 N Ravenswood Avenue (more)
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
This was the 2nd fire of the day. Originally dispatched E43 for rubbish, until the MFAO told them they were going to upgrade it to a full still. I left the fire on Clark Street and headed to this. They found a 1-sty auto body shop, with smoke coming out of everywhere. They lead out and forced entry into a door on side B where they encountered heavy smoke. They attempted to make a push but were pulled out by the chief who immediately pulled a box. Companies went defensive. A very stubborn fire, with little progress to be made for a while. After putting the box companies to work and due to a lack of resources in staging, they pulled a 2-11. Fire ended up burning through the roof but they kept the fire from spreading to adjoining exposures. 8+ hand lines and 2 aerial master streams were used at the height of the fire.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos
#1 by Fleet Guy on December 29, 2018 - 7:43 PM
Hi, I had to get a new email it was compromised, what’s the email to post pictures again?
#2 by Admin on December 29, 2018 - 9:41 PM