The first of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 7051 N. Clark Street (more)
This from Steve Redick:
Quite a day Saturday. Three 2-11s, two back to back a few blocks apart, and one later at night on the south side. This first job I believe may have come in as a single-engine response, maybe a transformer. Engine 102 found a deep seated basement fire in a commercial building. There was a brief Mayday response, but allegedly a misinterpreted emergency alert for evacuation. All this took place prior to my arrival and near as I can tell no one was hurt. The fire had a widely varying smoke condition with heavy smoke issuing from both the front and rear at different times. Squad 2 utilized their basket for a ground level master stream and there was also a multiversal set up in the rear. Of note was the brand new TL 21 at it’s first working job but I don’t believe they ever flowed water although it was raised.The last one shows how close this was to the former quarters of Engine 102 at 1723 Greenleaf.Steve Redick

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Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

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Pingback: 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago on Clark Street, 12-22-18 (more) «
#1 by Mike L on December 26, 2018 - 10:27 AM
Nice shot of Trk 25 set up in front of their former quarters. That section of North Clark St has had some memorable fires over the years. Thanks for the pics, Steve!