From Dennis McGuire, Jr.

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
From Dennis McGuire, Jr.
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tags: Dennis McGuire Jr., fire truck photos, Merrionette Park FD fire engine, Merrionette Park Fire Department
This entry was posted on July 10, 2017, 8:32 AM and is filed under Fire Truck photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Wayne on July 15, 2017 - 2:39 PM
Merrionette Park does have 2 ambulances, they’re in the process of getting the old Crestwood rig certified and will run it as a reserve/second out ambulance.
#2 by Bill on July 15, 2017 - 9:16 AM
Marionette park got Crestwood old ambulance so do they have 2 ambulances now
#3 by Brian on July 14, 2017 - 4:03 PM
That’s what I thought
#4 by Mike D on July 14, 2017 - 10:50 AM
They think they do. It’s actually Hazel Crest Fire that covers the 2 blocks known as Homewood Acres.
#5 by Brian on July 13, 2017 - 1:57 PM
Does Homewood Acres have an actual response area?
#6 by DaveyB on July 12, 2017 - 4:30 PM
No, Mike Dillon, Homewood Acres has more sense than that.
#7 by mike mc on July 12, 2017 - 4:02 PM
Maybe the pols wanted to show the citizens that they got something out of Bourbon Street other than noise, traffic, and the occasional brawl. No one can accuse Merrionette Park of not being thrifty. Look at the engine, as simple as it can get and about 17 years old, but it still fits their needs. The previous truck was a third hand former FDNY Mack CF rear mount. The truck before that was an old Roberts Park Mack CF mid mount. I would not be surprised if they get 30 or more years out of the new rig. Besides, it will look good at the south side St. Patrick’s Day parade.
#8 by Mike D on July 12, 2017 - 11:30 AM
Robbins and Blue Island both have Trucks. GH doesn’t needs one about as much as MFD. I’m sure the people of Robbins and Blue Island don’t worry about buying vehicles that will be used in Marionette Park when they are looking at dropping a million dollars. I’m not sure how a million dollar ladder truck allows a department to remain volunteer? Its a tough sell guy.
#9 by Wayne on July 12, 2017 - 12:24 AM
Merrionette Park is due auto aid into Garden Homes, Blue Island, and Robbins with the truck on still alarms, and a handful of places either change of quarters or to the scene with the truck on full stills or boxes.
#10 by The DH on July 11, 2017 - 10:39 PM
Isn’t Merrionette Park auto aid into Blue Island as well with the truck on a reported fire?
#11 by CrabbyMilton on July 11, 2017 - 12:51 PM
I agree with the idea of trying to get along. As long as that doesn’t mean rolling over and giving in to the haters out there that complain about every piece of equipment an FD and PD buys.
#12 by jsvens on July 11, 2017 - 11:53 AM
The volunteer department likely saves the taxpayers millions of dollars every year in pension costs alone. Spending one million dollars on a truck every 20 to 25 years is an extremely prudent use of taxpayer funds if it allows the department to remain volunteer.
#13 by Wayne on July 11, 2017 - 11:52 AM
Lotta armchair quarterbacks around here. They’re great pictures and all the criticizing nonsense isn’t necessary. Can’t we all get along, isn’t that what the fire service is about?
#14 by Brian on July 11, 2017 - 9:58 AM
At least the truck has a pump and water, if it was a straight truck only would be a waste.
#15 by Mike D on July 11, 2017 - 9:52 AM
A 35′ ground ladder is about $1800.00.
#16 by Matt on July 11, 2017 - 8:08 AM
The Garden Homes Pierce Arrow pumper is from Massachusetts.
#17 by mike mc on July 10, 2017 - 4:27 PM
Merrionette Park has had a truck for about30 years. There are three story apartments and commercial properties that require it. Yes, it also serves as mutual aid for adjoining Garden Homes. The nearest mutual aid truck would have to come from either Blue Island, Alsip, Cal Park, or Evergreen Park. All several miles always and I doubt if Alsip, the closest, would be willing to provide on a regular basis a truck to support two adjoining towns with volunteer departments that would respond on every still. Unless you can figure out mutual aid for CFD Truck 45 (not a bad idea but it would never happen) there is a need for this rig.
#18 by ffpm571 on July 10, 2017 - 2:41 PM
where did the Garden homes Pierce come from ?
#19 by CrabbyMilton on July 10, 2017 - 11:52 AM
Perhaps mutual aid?
Of all things they blast cities for spending money on, they always go after FD’s and PD’s first.
#20 by Michael M on July 10, 2017 - 11:22 AM
I like the lime green ladder tip! Very true, you do not see many DASH CF’s with the grill omitted. Didn’t this ladder replace a ladder that was a former FDNY ladder?
#21 by Mike D on July 10, 2017 - 11:10 AM
Could there possibly be a bigger waste of taxpayer money that a million dollar ladder truck for a town of about 6 blocks? What’s next? Homewood Acres buying 2 new tiller trucks?
#22 by CrabbyMilton on July 10, 2017 - 8:46 AM
I just had a “Homer donk” moment.
That ladder is a newer DASH CF without the false grill.
So while it’s not vintage, there doesn’t seem to be many with that grill omitted.
#23 by CrabbyMilton on July 10, 2017 - 8:40 AM
A couple of nice vintage PIERCE apparatus there.
I like that green top of the ladder.