This from Steve Redick:
3 photos … sent by Bill Friedrich from his archive. 54 E Hubbard, January 1958. A Mack Bulldog pressure wagon at workA nice shot of 109’s old joint back in the horse drawn era … amazed at how big the house looks. When you see it today it seems kinda old and small…at least to me.A 3-11 at about 61 and Dorchester … no real particulars other than that. did ya notice the pompier ladder on the side of what I think is an FWD truck? I bet the truck with its aerial up was horsedrawn at one time judging by the rickety look to the rear end.Feel free to add any thoughts or info..
#1 by Brandon on January 7, 2013 - 12:57 PM
@David – I’m consulting with LION and the CFD because they have a bunker gear repair facility here in Chicago. They have a great flat rate cleaning/repair program that saves departments time and money, while keeping gear safer and NFPA 1851 compliant.
CFD’s been using it for almost 7 years now and they’re loving it.
#2 by David on January 7, 2013 - 1:44 AM
@Dennis, spoung45 and the rest: thanks for making this clear, my mistake, never knew that the bunkers fade so much when they get worn out.
#3 by ffpm571 on January 6, 2013 - 10:43 PM
#4 by chris r on January 6, 2013 - 7:36 PM
When did chicago start using tan gear , i like the new color and will everyone be switching to tan . thanks
#5 by Dennis on January 6, 2013 - 12:44 PM
ok this is to everyone. The Chicago Fire Department does NOT use tan gear firefighters no engineer’s nobody!!!. When the black gear is exposed to heat or the sun, or the lights in some coat rooms for an extended period of time the black material will fade and turn a tan/bleached color. When the bunker gear is made it is dyed using a black color. All bunker gear material is a natural tan color( hence why it’s cheaper to get tan gear then any other color).
#6 by spoung45 on January 6, 2013 - 12:33 PM
Those bunkers were black, but when they get close to heat and take a lot of it, they will start to get a redish or tan hue to them. Once they get to a certain point it is time to turn those in and get a new set of bunkers since they wont protect from the heat as well. Look at the medics and how nice and black there bunkers are, since they get no heat they are still nice and dark black.
#7 by NYFF on January 6, 2013 - 11:33 AM
Just to chime in….. The coats in pic u referred to are black! When the black material takes some heat, sun, or is washed a lot, it turns slightly less dark……hope that helps
#8 by David on January 6, 2013 - 10:55 AM
So anybody knows why did the CFD chose the tan color instead of black? Hope it’s not gonna be some trend now.
#9 by Josh B on January 6, 2013 - 8:54 AM
I was also at the working fire on Maypole.. and yes a FF was clearly wearing a New Tan colored coat. he was doing overhaul on the 2nd floor.
#10 by David on January 6, 2013 - 4:42 AM
Well I don’t want to claim it at all costs but for those who don’t see the difference between the black and this color Bunker gear, just try o look at this pic (hope the link will work):!i=1882399908&k=wTM5XFr
I mean the coats still look pretty dark, close to black, but it’s a different color. You see it on the photo -the only black thing is the helmet.
#11 by FD Guy on January 6, 2013 - 12:24 AM
Tan is used for Engineer’s i saw a picture of a CFD FF with Tan gear that said Engineer under the last name hope this helps
#12 by Dennis on January 5, 2013 - 9:42 PM
@David…I looked over the photos from the 4-11 I didnt see any tan or what appeared to be tan bunker gear. Firefighters wear black and deputy district chiefs and above wear white coats and black pants.
#13 by Drew G on January 5, 2013 - 6:32 PM
I swear it was tan bunker gear, but it may have been really dirty, old, and faded black bunker gear.
#14 by David on January 5, 2013 - 6:30 PM
Just look at the photos from the recent 4-11, especially the ones from Steve Redick, you can clearly see that the coats look slightly more tan or brown, definitely not black (at least to me). The original bunker gear from Lion app. they started to wear in 2007 was black, the recent one looks a bit different color to me.
#15 by Drew G on January 5, 2013 - 6:24 PM
I was at the working still at 4446 w maypole earlier this week, and there was a CFD FF wearing tan bunker gear. Never seen it before, and I wish I got a photo of him to show you guys. Don’t know his name either, but thought that was interesting. Companies on scene were Eng. 95, 44; Tower 14, Squad 2, Trks 26, 36. Could have been a rider maybe, but I saw him doing overhaul on the second floor.
#16 by Chuck on January 5, 2013 - 4:13 PM
David, where have you seen the CFD with tan coats? The bunker gear is, was, and always will be black.
#17 by Brian on January 5, 2013 - 2:41 PM
@David, Chicago is still wearing black gear.
Brandon – some gear manufacturers in the chicagoland area are….Globe, MorningPride, FireDex, Lion/Janesville
#18 by DMc77 on January 5, 2013 - 12:34 PM
CFD does wear black turnout gear- always has. From time to time in the past they have tried out various manufacturers clothing on a trial basis. The city and Local 2 had a long drawn out testing phase years ago and CFD wound up with what it has now.
#19 by David on January 5, 2013 - 6:53 AM
Project involving CFD bunker gear? Sounds interesting, what kind of project you’re working on with them if I can ask?! Also anybody knows why the CFD have chosen the tan (or brown or what it is) coats instead of the traditional black ones, I think the black looks just way better than this. Hope they’ll get back to the traditional look and don’t end up like the LAFD or some similar departments.
#20 by Scott on January 4, 2013 - 8:24 PM
Morning Pride
#21 by Brandon on January 4, 2013 - 11:06 AM
Great photos!
I just started working with the CFD on a project involving their bunker gear. Seeing photos like this got me wondering – are there any bunker gear manufacturers with strong presence in Chicagoland area? I’m new to the fire safety industry, but Globe is a name I’ve been hearing a lot. Any others Chicagoland fire fighters like?
Thanks guys!