More images and a video from the training at 3761 Glen Eagle Drive in Woodstock last week. An earlier training sessions was posted HERE.

Upon completion of the training, the owner will farm all of the land again. Larry Shapiro photo

A future firefighter came to view the training. Larry Shapiro photo

Firefighters observe the fire’s behavior as it travels across the ceiling and enters the adjacent room. Larry Shapiro photo

Seasoned firefighters pair with newer members to experience some heat and learn about the fire’s behavior. Larry Shapiro photo

One of the fire-starters takes a shift inside the house. Larry Shapiro photo

A thermal imaging camera and the fire. Larry Shapiro photo

Two firefighters with a hand-line prepare to control the fire’s spread. Larry Shapiro photo

Another young observer indicates to the photographer the location of the fire. Larry Shapiro photo

A firefighter takes a breather. Larry Shapiro photo

Woodstock Engine 833 drafts from a portable tank to supply hand-lines that are used to protect the exposure building as fire consumes the house. Larry Shapiro photo

An engine from the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District supplies a hand-line for exposure protection at the opposite end of the street. Larry Shapiro photo
A large gallery with more images can be viewed HERE.