Posts Tagged new engine for the Inverness FPD

New engine for the Inverness FPD (more)

This from Larry Shapiro:

The new HME pumper for the Inverness FPD is nearing completion.; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #HME; #factory; #beingbuilt; #InvernessFPD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #HME; #factory; #beingbuilt; #InvernessFPD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #HME; #factory; #beingbuilt; #InvernessFPD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #HME; #factory; #beingbuilt; #InvernessFPD;

Larry Shapiro photo

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New engine and tanker for the Inverness FPD

From Horizon Fire Apparatus Chicagoland on Facebook:

Yesterday Inverness Fire Protection District wrapped up a pre-construction meeting on their new HME Ahrens-Fox pumper and tender. They were able to take in all the awesome ideas we found at the factory and put them to good use. We have ways to go until they’re finished, but when these siblings roll out, they’re going to the baddest pair in the Chicagoland area!; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo; #HMEAhrensFox; #factory;

Horizon Fire Apparatus photo

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